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Senate Democrats Force Vote on Trump's Emergency Wall Declaration


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President Trump recently directed the Pentagon to divert over $3 billion in funds from projects to be used for the southern border wall.

The Senate will now vote on whether or not to condemn this move.

According to The Hill:

Senate Democrats are planning to force a vote to try to nix President Trump's emergency declaration transferring military construction money to fund the U.S.-Mexico border wall. 


Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), making the announcement from the Senate floor, blasted Trump for making a "brazen power grab" and trying to leapfrog Congress. 

"The president's national emergency declaration was and is an outrageous power grab by a president who refuses to respect the constitutional separation of powers. ... Does our country truly have checks and balances, particularly when we have such an overreaching president?" Schumer asked from the Senate floor.

Schumer added that if Congress didn't nix Trump's emergency declaration it would set a "dangerous precedent" that could allow a president to use their national emergency powers when Congress refuses to fund a priority.

When it comes to spending military dollars it seems like both Republicans and Democrats can agree that wasting money is ok.