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Pelosi Caves to Trump


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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has finally acquiesced to Republican demands and will allow the GOP-controlled Senate's bipartisan border funding bill to go to the floor for a vote. (The Daily Caller)


Instead of demanding more negotiations with the upper chamber of Congress and the White House, Pelosi will agree to let the Senate’s version of the border funding bill be voted on in the House, according to sources close to the negotiations who spoke with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Pelosi’s decision comes after the Senate rejected the House’s version Wednesday and instead passed its own legislation that provides emergency funding to help address the immigration crisis. The $4.59 billion Senate bill provides funds to the various agencies that manage illegal immigrants, such as Customs and Border Protection, Health and Human Services, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and others.

The House bill was criticized for its lack of bipartisan support — it garnered only three Republican votes when it passed the lower chamber of Congress on Tuesday night. GOP support for the bill fell after Pelosi caved to far-left members in her caucus who wanted extra restrictions regarding Customs and Border Protection detainment of illegal immigrants.

The Senate bill, on the other hand, passed by an overwhelming 84-8 vote Wednesday.

Pelosi spoke with Vice President Mike Pence last night before agreeing to let the House vote on the Senate's version of the bill.