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NOV. 29, 2016

The glorious and providential intervention that provided the courage and motivation for millions of ordinary Americans to vote AGAINST the globalist system, which is the epitome for national betrayal is a once in a lifetime opportunity to eliminate the traitors in our society. Donald J. Trump is only a man. He is not the savior of our civilization, nor is he a miracle worker. Yet his election provides the last best hope that the forces of human enslavement, within our own power structure, can be defeated. Citizens who actually participate in the political process need to practice RealPolitik, when it comes to influencing or shaping public policy.

Never forget that the swamp is the establishment. The timid and cowardly Congress has been a pathetic body of bought and paid for toadies that serve the interests of their donors and rarely function as public servants. A comprehensive analysis of the policy positions, statements and white papers that Trump released during the campaign, illustrate a dramatic departure from business as usual. But will this new and different direction get implemented?

The “so called” shift to a presidential demeanor after the election has many reliable Trump supporters worried. Before a premature panic sets in, people need to appreciate two fundamental events must take place. First, Trump needs to be certified by the Electoral College as the 45th President. Second Trump needs to be sworn in and take the oath of office as the next President.  Between now and the realization of both events, his primary objective is to stay alive.

Make no mistake about the evil nature of the globalists that hate any displacement of their rule, even a minimal shift towards a truly America First government where all options to prevent Trump from supplanting their inside game of destroying an independent nation and limited government, governed under constitutional restrains.

Trump’s most serious opposition comes from within the GOP and specifically entrenched Republican neoconservatives. Speaker Paul Ryan and especially Senator Mitch McConnell pose more resistance to fundamental reclamation from sucking the scum from the beltway cesspool, than the Marxist progressives, who suffered a major rebut at the ballot box.

Newly selected minority leader Senator Chuck Schumer may well be Trump’s best buddy to apply pressure on the Senate to actually enact some common ground compromises that are long overdue. This evaluation should not be viewed as selling out to the left, but should be seen as using presidential leadership to deal with numerous issues that have been ignored by past administrations.

Barry Soetoro used illegal executive orders to enact despotic fiat over negotiating a balance compromise with House and Senate republicans. Trump’s challenge is to put into motion HIS agenda and rally the necessary political capital to get RINO Republicans to change their corporatist ways.

The resounding approval of Reince Priebus as chief of staff from the GOP party stalwarts alarms many hard right purists. However, Trump’s immediate task is to push through as many of his bold and transformative initiatives within the first hundred days as possible. Passing these laws will set the direction and tone for his entire administration. Now Trump will not get even one day of a honeymoon from the Leftist Loons who wants a civil war. Nor will the establishment careerists, like Mitch McConnell allow any notion that term limits for Congress will see the light of day. When working the levers of legislative sausage, internal warfare does not help.

The first order of business is to get your appointees approved by Congress. Let Stephen K. Bannon script the agenda, strategy and be the gatekeeper of ideological consistency. Inside palace intrigue entertains but does little to achieve a true meaningful restoration of national greatness.

Understand the message in What Does it Mean To Be A Radical? and What It Means To Be A Reactionary to comprehend and appreciate what needs to be done for a Trump administration to be successful. All the whining shrieks for just getting along are foolish and naïve. Middle America does not want a progressive society. Any move to incorporate a collectivist agenda into a Trump administration would be deemed duplicity and destroy confidence.

Since the globalist response is to use the walking dead zombies for “social justice” to cause violent chaos by disrupting the positive Trump efforts for rebuilding our country, only the most ignorant will still deny that the street theater is produced and funded by the banksters from the international finance establishment.

While the K Street lobbyists jockey for relevance and a way to maintain their influence in a sanitized Trump access pay to play environment, the old guard of raw power still retain their roller deck of cronies. A successful redevelopment of the corridors of bureaucratic agencies requires a wholesale purge of DC institutional loyalists and the infusion of dedicated reformers, who are not looking to make government service a lifetime appointment.

Is this possible as long as federal budgets, benefits, programs and agencies remain the only growth industry? So far, the public has not been open to a significant downsizing in government. The people want a reinvigorated economy whereby they can all share in a better future. The old slogan by Herbert Hoover, “A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage” just does not appeal to the masses when they are on food stamps and hitch a ride on Uber.

They want more, much more. And only a dramatically growing economy can ever offer the promise, much less the opportunity to narrow the gap between the über-rich and the struggling remnant of a much poorer working class.

Before the Ivy League prima donna and equal rights contingent start their chants, “Redistribute the Wealth”, the system does what it is best at. Namely, play on the latest excuse to expand the size and scope of their government behemoth.  

Add to the monumental economic dilemma and the uncontrollable debt clock ticking to oblivion is the most challenging rats nest in the District of Criminals. Foggy Bottom, the home of State Department traitors is the most despicable collection of anti-America First maggots in the entire quagmire in all of Washington.

Trump’s foreign policy is his most dubious flaw. If only he is a genuine non-interventionist? His pick of General Michael T. Flynn and KT McFarland proves that the adults will be in the inner circle. However, those reported up for Secretary of State have the stench of NeoCon decay and disloyalty. America cannot afford to maintain a greater Israel policy nor can we allow Zionist subversive operations embedded within our own government.    

Somehow the prospects of disinfecting the proponents of perpetual war to expand the empire seem very remote. The Pentagon and the entire military-industrial-security-complex stands as a sharp sword ready to defend the power elite. Conversely, the psychopaths who purport to engage in diplomatic conduct are the driving force behind destroying the moral standing of America as a beacon of liberty, while they continue their war crimes against humanity.

President elect Trump has the enthusiastic support of the most devoted patriots and a reasonable opportunity to prevail against the globalists. However, it will take a total commitment of Middle America to place maximum demands on Congress to fully adopt the profound renewal of the spirit of individual liberty and inherent autonomy, upon which this nation was founded.

The Mainstream Media Fake News outlets will never relent from their all out assault on the Trump Nation. Only with the complete demise of their last smidgen of credibility can and will ordinary citizens finally begin to realize the extent and harm from the many decades of lies, which has allowed the general public to accept a false and fictional story line that their government is believable and trustworthy.

Donald Trump has created a true revolution in thought and vision. Acting upon these ideas and implementing an actual plan and programs to combat and replace the establishment quislings with God fearing and honorable nationalists is the mission for saving our country. The shadow government, which is the sub Rosa power behind every decision to diminish our national well being totally rejects making America Great again.

The long struggle to recapture our rightful identity as a country worthy of our allegiance starts in earnest with the Trump inaugural. The bottom feeders in the ranks of a unionized government workforce will never voluntarily want to see the establishment system contract and become accountable.  Therefore, the populist movement that Trump spearheaded must become more vocal and confrontational when required.

This is no game or a reality program. What is at stake is the very survival of America and a life worth living. When the chronicles of the historic record are authentically written, whatever success the Trump government achieves will come from the populace, whose desire for essential changes was demonstrated at his rallies.

Are there enough good men and women left in this country to overthrow the agents for globalism that have captured our government? If this becomes a failed experiment, the enemy will remove any amicable option to achieve true independence.

SARTRE – November 29, 2016