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Ramon Rodriguez

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Nov. 26, 2016




Dear  Senator:

I remember a few years ago, when you expressed your aspiration of becoming a senator to represent our State and its people to work for us to uphold the constitution of our great nation.  You were humble and everyone believed that you were sincere and voted for you.  This is the only reason why the people elected you.

Observing your behavior and language during and after the past political campaign, I see, to my dismay, that you are not the same person we used to know and trust.  Your rhetoric full of anger and hate is not the best example for our youth and citizens in general.  Our world and our society are undergoing very needed change, and if we want to survive we must bring about peace and order to our planet.

With your attitude and behavior you are promoting and fomenting more violence in our cities and in our nation.  Why don’t you and your people accept the verdict of the millions of citizens that voted for this needed change?  We have expressed our will and preferences in a democratic exercise granted to us by our constitution.  This must be respected.

Do you remember or are you aware of the command that our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ gave to us a long time ago:  TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER because in so doing we were loving Him and the God of our creation.

From the bottom of my heart and very respectfully, I tell you that God, in his infinite love and wisdom, always grants his children the opportunity to effect corrections and adjustments needed in our lives.  Let’s not delay or pass up this opportunity, because then you will be missing the chance to manifest the greatest gift God has given us, and this LOVE.  Love goes hand in hand with compassion and tolerance.  The lack of any of these elements is not God’s love.

In present day America, many have forgotten the golden rule:  DO UNTO OTHERS, AS YOU WOULD LIKE OTHERS TO DO UNTO YOU!!!

Dear Senator:  May God bless you and your lovely family, and guard and protect our beloved country and its people.

From a concerned citizen, hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.


R. rodriguez