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Sorcha Faal, as reported to her Western SubscribersFW

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Nov. 7, 2016

A gravely written Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin this morning is warning the Security Council (SC) that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has now placed upwards of 300,000 of its military forces on “high alert that this Western alliance's Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg claims is due to growing tensions with Russia—but that Federation intelligence analysts state are intended to be used, instead, for a full-scale invasion of the United States to prevent Donald Trump from assuming the presidency. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



According to this report, MoD intelligence analysts became “concerned/alarmed” over a 25 October US military joint air defense exercise in the Arabian Sea that coordinated US Navy aircraft carrier defense of US Air Force transport and refueling aircraft—but that further analysis revealed was but a precursor to a much larger planned American military “eventscheduled for 14 December as part of the Pentagon’s planning for the upcoming inauguration of their next president.

The Pentagon’s planning for their 14 December “event”, this report continues, involves the Atlantic Ocean deployment between the United States and European Union of the aircraft carriers USS George H.W. Bush, USS George Washington and USS  Abraham Lincoln whose fighter aircraft will be defending the US Air Forces’ Air Mobility Command’s (AMC) staggering deployment of 200 KC-135 Stratotanker air-to-air fueling aircraft, 150 C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft, 150 C-130 Hercules transport aircraft and 75 C-130J Super Hercules transport aircraft—all of which are “planned/scheduled” to leave the US empty, and return fully loaded.



Raising MoD “fears/concerns” even more about this planned Pentagon “event”, this report notes, is all of the US military commanders involved in it being given copies of a cryptically written Executive Order signed by President Obama 3 days ago (4 November) that states “global health security is a core tenet of our national strategy for countering biological threats” and directs the US Defense Department and US Secretary of State to cooperate, coordinate and communicate with unnamed foreign defense ministries.

With relations between the United States and the equally globalist European Union hanging in the balance as the majority of the EU’s leaders fear a Donald Trump presidency, this report continues, many in the US are openly warning that Hillary Clinton, and the leftist forces loyal to her, are preparing to stage a “false flag” attack to regain their hold on power—including one of the most feared and powerful American political operatives named Roger Stone who is, likewise, openly warning it could very well happen.



As to why Hillary Clinton fears a Donald Trump presidency, MoD intelligence analysts in this report explain, is due to the massive exposure to the American public of her many crimes—including her cover-up of child rape and sex trafficking.  

Making Hillary Clinton’s dire situation even worse, this report continues, was FBI Director James Comey, yesterday, basically informing her that he wasn’t prepared to indict her for her email crimes—but that US government “deep state” sources are now leaking was a “ploy/gambitto keep President Obama from pardoning her before Donald Trump could assume the presidency.

With Hillary Clinton having disgraced the entire journalism profession in America for decades to come, this report says, these propagandists crimes against the citizens of US continue to astound the whole world—including the once respected television news network CNN now being proven to have colluded with Clinton to destroy Donald Trump.

But to one of the greatest crimes against the American people these Hillary Clinton propagandist journalists are responsible for, this report says, is their failing to tell them that her top aide, Huma Abedin, is, in fact, an imbedded spy bought and paid for by Saudi Arabia that the Federation has warned the US government about for decades.



But to the shockingly worse crime being committed against the American people, this report concludes, is President Obama himself now openly calling for all illegal immigrants in the United States to vote for Hillary Clinton, and pledging that the corrupt government he now controls will do nothing about it.



And though not mentioned in this MoD report, there are no greater examples of how corrupt the Obama-Clinton regime has made America then the cases of a young California single mother named Mariza Reulas who is facing years in prison for the crime of selling a single supper to a member of her ladies food club and the destruction of MIT professor Cesar Hidalgo for daring to tell to the truth about Clinton’s emails—both occurring while Hillary Clinton, and all of the criminals associated with her, are still able to walk free—but if Donald Trump is allowed to survive he may be able to save, along with the United States itself.    



Other reports in this series include:

Hillary Clinton’s $20 Million “Obama Bribe” To Become US Secretary Of State Leaked By FBI

Girl Child Raped By Bill Clinton Admits To FBI Hillary Paid Her To Accuse Donald Trump

Russia Warns US In Total Breakdown After FBI Notifies Obama All Hillary Emails Found

Putin Confirms US Coup “Is Now Reality”—Warns “Bloodshed Is Soon To Follow”

US Military Notifies Russia Of “Sustained Alert Status” Due To “Presidential Election Threat”

FBI Orders New York City Police Not To Arrest “Cooperating Witness” Huma Abedin

Clinton Foundation CEO Goes Missing After Trump’s Top Money Guru Found Dead

FBI Director Comey Asks President Putin: “Is Anthony Weiner Yours?”

Russia Confirms Supercomputer Findings Showing Donald Trump Landslide Victory

Russia Asks CIA: Why Did Hillary Clinton Just Buy $137 Million Worth Of Illegal Arms?

Russia Breaks All Contact With Hillary Clinton’s “Ministry Of Terror”—Once Called The FBI

Kremlin In Turmoil After Clinton Foundation CEO Requests “Urgent And Immediate” Asylum

Putin Issues US Election Theft Warning, Orders Military To Protect Trump “At All Costs”

Hillary Clinton Destroys America’s Free Energy Hopes—Forever

Russia Names Hillary Clinton As “Murder Suspect” In Death Of Top UFO Researchers

Hillary Clinton’s “Sudden Move” Of $1.8 Billion To Qatar Central Bank Stuns Financial World

LA Detective Suicided To Protect Top Hillary Clinton Donor NBA Superstar Derrick Rose

Video Showing Bill Clinton Rape Of 13-Year-Old Girl Plunges Presidential Race Into Chaos

Maryland Doctor Who Treated Hillary Clinton For Blood Clot On Brain Mysteriously Dies

Red Notice Terror Warning Issued After Hillary Clinton ISIS Spy Captured In Britain

Wikileaks Under “Dire Threat” Over Proof Hillary Clinton Destroyed Eye Doctor To Hide Brain Trauma

Russian “Red Alert” Issued After Hillary Clinton Labels All American Parents Sex Criminals

Hillary Clinton “Disappearance” Leaves Russian Intelligence Experts Puzzled

US Again Ignores Russian Warning As Islamic Terror Hits New York City, New Jersey And Minnesota

Hillary Clinton Makes Millions To Destroy Samsung So Apple Can Sell More iPhones

Putin Issues Global Alert: “The American Establishment Is Merciless, Donald Trump Could Soon Die”

Hillary Clinton To Make Millions After Obama Orders All Wild Horses In American Killed

Hillary Clinton Placed In Hospital As “Blackout Of Truth” Descends Upon America

Concentration Camp Model Created By Hillary Clinton In Africa Warned Is Coming To America

Florida Earthquake Reported Caused By Obama-Clinton Attempt To Destroy Israeli Sub

Hillary Clinton “Heart Failure Event” Warned Just Months Away

Putin Asks Obama Why US Media Shutdown Donald Trump Speech At Black Church, Gets No Reply

US Congress To Begin Immediate Impeachment Of Hillary Clinton If She Wins Presidency

Hillary Clinton “Secret Sexmail” Destroys Top US Army Commander

Hillary Clinton Colostomy Bag Cover-up Consumes US Media Giants, Puts Debates In Doubt

White House Emails Reveal Largest Plot Ever Discovered To Destroy America    

New York Times Hosts “Top Secret” Meet To Cover-up Hillary Clinton Health, Destroy Fox News    

Putin “Erupts” Over Million Dollar “Spy Payments” To Hillary Clinton    

US Secret Service “Swarms” Top Hospitals As Hillary Clinton Brain Surgery Fears Rise    

Panic Grips America, Shuts Down NSA, After Russia “Reveals” It Has All Hillary Clinton Phone Calls    

Hillary Clinton “Total Terror” Descends Upon Disabled Mother Who Discovered Her Link To ISIS       

Russia Debates Response To Shocking Hillary Clinton Link To Crimea Terror Attack       

Father Of Doctor Treating Hillary Clinton For Dementia Mysteriously Dies        

Hillary Clinton “Night Of The Long Knives” Killing Spree Claims Life Of Attorney Shawn Lucas      

Hillary Clinton Gains Millions From Plot Linked To Top US General Fueling War With Russia    

Moscow Raid Proves Hillary Clinton Plot To Destroy Boeing, Ship 80,000 US Jobs Overseas    

Hillary Clinton Orders ISIS Attack Cover-Up In Germany, American Press Stunningly Obeys     

Clinton Threat To “Destroy Everyone” Throws Washington Into Chaos    

Bush Family Rushes To Hillary Clinton Side After Top UN Official Set To Testify Against Her Found Dead    

Husband Of Prosecutor Investigating Bill Clinton For Child Sex Charges Gunned Down



November 7, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]