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"When injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty." ~ Thomas Jefferson




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operating on American soil for over 200 years



Sunday   November 6, 2016

Clinton Pedophile Scandal Exposed with the U.S. Republic on the Brink!

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert



UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that the patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers have identified a plot by the state of Israel, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the U.S. CIA, as well as CNN cable news network and NBC General Electric, to attack the U.S. electronic grid reference U.S. internet services tomorrow, Monday, November 7th, in order to set the ground work for the THEFT of the U.S. 2016 presidential election with the benefactor being Nazi lesbian Bush-CIA Crime Family stooge Hillary Rodham Clinton.


The Israeli code for this operation is called “BISAT”.


At this hour, the U.S. Military Flag Officers and U.S. Treasury officials have absolute proof that over $100 TRILLION of U.S. Treasury funds were laundered aka STOLEN by secret illegal CIA offshore proprietary accounts tied to the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate with the assistance of none other than CNN cable news network and NBC General Electric.


We can also report that the U.S. Military Flag Officers are now in full possession of photographs, along with other ‘smoking gun’ evidence, detailing a massive Clinton Foundation financed pedophile ring, which involves both Clintons, current alleged U.S. President, FOREIGN BORN, closet Muslim Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro, as well as former year 2000 illegal White House occupant junior George W. BushFRAUD.


Note: Over half of the U.S. Congress as well as over 50% of the extortion-friendly, corporate U.S. media elite (modern day royal court messengers) have been linked to the John Podesta-Clinton pedophile ring, including current Daily Beast and former Newsweek magazine journalist Eleanor Clift.


P.S. The patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers have also fingered current alleged U.S. President Barack Obama as a major enabler of the Bush-Clinton-CIA crime spree, which has now lasted over 30 years, including Obama continuing the illegal, UN-Constitutional spying against the American People, along with illegal bribes for his future presidential library given to him by crooked bank Bush-Clinton financier Larry Mizel of Denver, Colorado.


We can also report that in the last twenty-four hours, with the help of the NYPD, the U.S. Military Flag Officers have financial evidence linking Hillary Rodham Clinton to paying a $20 million bribe to then president-elect Barack Obama in late 2008 to be appointed U.S. Secretary of State.


Note: Mexican financier and drug trafficker Carlos Slim and current NBC General Electric journalist Andrea Mitchell operated as bag man and bag lady.


P.P.S. The U.S. Military Flag Officers, along with U.S. Treasury officials, have evidence of financial TREASON linking junior George W. BushFRAUD, along with Democratic Party minority leader Nancy Pelosi, to a fraudulent treasonous 2008 bank “BAIL OUT” using U.S. Taxpayers’ money as well as the Social Security Trust Fund with the major benefactors being crooked worldwide banks and specifically Larry Mizel of HSBC in Englewood, Colorado and Lloyd Blankfein of the then brokerage firm Goldman Sachs who benefited from his brokerage firm being turned into a bank by junior George W. BushFRAUD’s Treasury Secretary Henry (Hank) Paulson, which allowed Goldman Sachs to get a “BAIL OUT” from the U.S. Taxpayers.


The U.S. Military Flag Officers also have total proof that junior George W. BushFRAUD’s war in Iraq was based on lies, illegal and UN-Constitutional, and that the 9/11 junior George W. BushFRAUD’s 9/11 BLACK OP attack on the American People was an inside job and an extension of the year 2000 electoral coup d'état, which allowed George W. BushFRAUD to illegally take power in the United States without the consent of the American People and then with the events of 9/11 declare “Martial Law” on American soil using the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act similar to Adolf Hitler’s Nazi German 1933 “Enabling Act”.


As reported in previous intelligence briefings:










excerpt color highlights added


So, here we go…


The explosive material found on Anthony Weiner’s computer is being leaked by dozens of detectives from NYPD. It’s also being leaked by FBI Anonymous, who is a friend of this channel.


Weiner SOLD access to the Clinton server to Israel, who in turn sold access to Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, and Saudis sold it to Qatar. Qatar was hacked buy China, who then had access to the server, according to our sources.


Alan Dershowitz is tied into brokering the deal, and he is the key element, since he was a close friend of Anthony Weiner, but also represented Jeffery Epstein on his child molestation charges.


Sources tell us Mossad used the sickening child porn videos found on Wiener’s computer to blackmail the politicians, celebrities and lobbyists who visited the island known as “Sex Slave Island”. They were able to extort the Royal Family in England, Bill Clinton, senators, congressmen, and so on.


The whole island was one big blackmail operation. Over 40 cameras were positioned to catch every disgusting perversion. It’s an international pedophile ring at the highest corridors of power.


Alan Dershowitz works with Gloria Allred. Gloria has paid out money to two women to accuse Trump falsely.


An ex-apprentice star named Summer Zervos, was paid $45,000 by Gloria Allred to make false allegations. She told her best friend she will be paid half a million dollars to lie about Trump regarding groping. Allred and Dershowitz conspired to do this, because if the Weiner tapes go public, Dershowitz goes to prison for espionage and child molestation.


Allred received money from Dershowitz and had enlisted her daughter, Lisa Bloom, to promote the false rape victim, according to inside sources. Lisa Bloom cancelled her event yesterday, after FBI were ready to pounce on her in public, and charge her with conspiracy.


Meanwhile, Obama is getting furious at Loretta Lynch, as the scandal threatens to drown his “legacy”!


  Our FBI insider told us if the full scope of the horrors are exposed, the American and British Governments would “fold like cheap lawn-chairs.”


FBI Anon also told us “Hillary has lost all her power. Even if she wins, she will be indicted.” This is the final straw that broke the camel’s back. What comes next is a potent mixture of treason, espionage and pedophilia.


Cicada 3301 has a program called CAKES – it has a new name and the platform is being used by Intel and law enforcement to report their corrupt superiors. FBI is working with WikiLeaks, as is the NYPD.


We are all working together to free our nation from this stranglehold of sin, deception and oppression.


There is a lot to digest here, I know, but we are all one family now. WikiLeaks, FBI, decent police, and everyday Americans.


Let’s support the FBI agents, NYPD officers and other whistle blowers, who are heroes to bring this stuff out. They deserve our support. In 100 years, we may look back and build shrines and statues to these patriots.




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New Developments In Clinton Pedaphilia Scandal - New Players Involved






-excerpt- color highlights added


The Weiner/Clinton scandal is growing to involve Dershowitz


The NYPD is now leaking information rapidly. We are learning that there is a strong possibility that Huma is a spy and was engaged in espionage for Saudi Arabia. And even bigger than that- Weiner may have been selling the same content to Israel, so they could blackmail Hillary, and many other Government officials in the State Department.


We are learning Hillary was an active participant in a pedophile ring that included Weiner, Bill Clinton, and Prince Andrew, as well as a ton of other deviants. One source tells us that Jeffery Epstein and Anthony Wiener were both leaking top secret information to Israeli spies, so Israel could dictate how much money they wanted to shake down America for! 


The scandal is now pulling in powerful zionist lawyer, Alan Dershowitz. NYPD has found communication between Alan Dershowitz and Weiner. Newly obtained flight logs place Dershowitz on Epstein’s Lolita Express along with the Clintons going to Pedophile Island many times.


Epstein pleaded guilty in 2008, in Florida to one count of soliciting underage girls for sex (and one count of adult solicitation), for which he served just over a year in county jail. But sprawling local, state, and federal investigations into the eccentric investor’s habit of paying teen girls for “massages”—sessions during which he would allegedly penetrate girls with sex toys, demand to be masturbated, and have intercourse—turned up a massive network of victims, including 35 female minors whom federal prosecutors believed he’d sexually abused. He has reportedly settled lawsuits from more than 30 “Jane Doe” victims since 2008; the youngest alleged victim was 12 years old at the time of her abuse, according to


Dershowitz told the American Lawyer, he is loyal to his wife, and she is always by his side: “I’ve been married to the same woman for 28 years. She goes with me everywhere. People know that I won’t argue a case or give a speech unless my wife travels with me. This is not the profile of someone who screws around.”


But according to the flight logs, Dershowitz accompanied Epstein on a flight from Palm Beach to New Jersey’s Teterboro Airport in December 1997. On that flight, the pair was accompanied by a number of people, including one unidentified “female,” someone referred to as “Hazel,” another female named “Claire,” and Maxwell.


The logs also show Dershowitz on a flight with Epstein from Bedford, Mass., to Teterboro in October 1998, and a flight from Teterboro to Martha’s Vineyard in 1999. And a 2005 trip from Massachusetts to Montreal shows him traveling with Epstein, someone listed as “Tatianna,” and others.


One things the logs don’t show is Dershowitz’s wife traveling with him. Dershowitz still emphatically denies all claims in spite of the flight logs.


Other Visitors To Epstein’s “Sex Slave Island”


The following, is information from our inside sources. The list below is a short list of high profile players who have reportedly visited “Sex Slave Island” with Epstein:


  Ehud Barak, the former Prime Minister of Israel (1999-2001). Former Israeli Minister of Defense and also deputy Israeli prime minister under Binyamin Netanyahu from 2009 to 2013.


  Prince Andrew– British royalty – Jeffrey Epstein and his girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, pandered Epstein sex slave- Virginia Roberts, to Prince Andrew multiple times. The victim girls say Prince Andrew was very sexually sadistic; they despised this “sick, twisted creature”.


  Kevin Spacey– actor in House of Cards. Spacey is very good friends with 2 big-time pedophiles: Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton. And of course, as discussed above…


  Alan Dershowitz– longtime friend of Epstein, as well as one of his defense lawyers. Dershowitz was the one who negociated that aburd plea bargain for Epstein that gave him a 13 months (served) sentence and a 16 hour/day day pass so he could spend most of his time in his mansion.  Epstein sex slave, Virginia Roberts, has said that Epstein made her have sex with Dershowitz numerous times.  Virginia Roberts also claims Dershowitz witnessed Epstein’s pedophilic activities.


Alan Dershowitz is a main focus. He is Epstein’s lawyer and there is currently a big movement to have him re-investigated, according to our inside sources.


RICO Investigation in Full Swing


Comey has a RICO investigation in full swing, and according to FBI insiders, the phones of Podesta, Mills, and many other politicians have been tapped since last Thursday. Even some State Department folks now have tapped electronics, as well as CNN/NBC reporters.


This all has to do with a massive RICO investigation into HRC, Clinton Foundation and collusion from media.


RICO, According to the Legal Encyclopedia: Passed in 1970, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a federal law designed to combat organized crime in the United States. It allows prosecution and civil penalties for racketeering activity performed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise. Such activity may include illegal gambling, bribery, kidnapping, murder, money laundering, counterfeiting, embezzlement, drug trafficking, slavery, and a host of other unsavory business practices.


The FBI consider co-conspirators in cases such as this, as “spokes” in a wheel. They have over 80 “spokes” under investigation, regarding this case- and that includes their emails, texts, phone calls, etc. Each reporter, DNC operator and supporter is a potential “spoke” in this wheel of conspiracy.


We are being told this investigation will result in many arrests of high profile individuals. Obama is trying to set up a pardon for Hillary, but that will not be possible with RICO act, and actually will include Obama, from what our insiders are telling us.


According to our inside sources, some of the people under investigation, and who’s communications are being tapped include:

Alan Dershowitz

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

  John Podesta

  Terry Mcauliffe

  Gloria Borger

  Wolf Blitzer

  Chris Cuomo

  Chuck Todd

  5 reporters from the NY Times

  Sally Kohn


FBI Raided Democratic Headquarters


This further supports that the DNC is now involved in this investigation, as well:


Read More



Stay tuned. 





DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr.

awaits inauguration,

the Supreme Law of the United States,

our U.S. Constitution, demands it!


As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and

Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000,

U.S. Constitution DULY ELECTED, non-inaugurated,

natural born REAL President of the United States.


Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law