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Insider Gov. Official Shows Obama Made Secret Deal With Election Commissioner

Matthew Bernstein

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Nov. 4, 2015

Believe it or not there is a commission that overseas the election. The Federal Election Commission is the body of government that makes sure that the election goes smoothly. They might have a lot of work to do this election cycle.

As with any body of government, there is the need for a commissioner to oversee everything. What is interesting was that at the start of 2016, Ann Ravel, the current commissioner of the FEC wanted to retire. But she is still the commissioner of the FEC. So what happened?

What happened was that she had a sit down meeting with President Barack Obama who managed to persuade her to stay on board through the November election! But it wasn’t just a manner of asking her politely to stay. Considering that this is President Obama we are talking about, he probably cut a deal or something.

Obama Cut A Deal To Make Sure That She Stayed On In This Election


That is exactly what he did! According to a senior federal government official, Obama persuaded her to stay on board by giving her two favors! Ravel is a Democrat as well and she was telling the senior official about the arrangement in private. She even showed pictures of her with Obama in the White House.

Ravel had wanted to step down and move back to California before the January 28th White House meeting. Okay sure everyone wants to retire at some point, but what Obama did next is disgusting. First he said that she could move back and work out of California. And THEN he said that he would support her effort to replace California Attorney General Kamala Harris as the Attorney General, provided that Harris wins her Senate election.

That sounds a lot like bribery if you ask me. And considering that most people think of a bribe as either giving money or doing favors for someone, it fits the bill perfectly. As for the endorsement, the government official said that Ravel didn’t necessarily say that the support would come directly from the president, but from senior Democratic officials.

And would you look at that! The Washington Examiner recently reported that Ravel is a top contender to be appointed by California Governor Jerry Brown should Harris win the Senate race. Isn’t that coincidental! Now of course Ravel has tried to deny this because it would be a glaring example of bribery.

She told the Daily Caller that she has not discussed becoming California attorney general with the president of the United States. She also said that she hasn’t “moved” to California because her family has always had a home there. And the icing on the cake was when she said that her decision to stay on board as the commissioner of the FEC was made before the meeting.


When you look at the White House visitor logs for January 28th, it shows that Ravel met with Obama and Stacy Koo, the then-chief of staff for presidential personnel. So she most certainly had the meeting.

Not everyone agrees with the decision to have a FEC commissioner meet with the president. Hans von Spakovsky, a former FEC commissioner under President George W. Bush, didn’t like the decision at all. “I believe it is improper for an FEC commissioner to be having a discussion and making deals with a sitting President, who is in essence the leader of the Democratic Party. Given the fact that the FEC commissioner everyday is dealing with cases that directly and indirectly effect that same political party.”

He also added, “In my time as a commissioner I never had a single meeting with the president in the White House, and I would consider it wrong to do so because of the fact we handle so many matters involving his political party.” So basically everything that was just said above is frowned upon by past commissioners of the FEC.

Not to mention that less than one month after her meeting with the President, Ravel had voted to dismiss an enforcement action against Obama and the Democratic National Committee for allegedly taking foreign money at a fundraiser.

Obama Has Failed The American People At Every Turn


Federal regulations regarding the FEC state that a “conflict of interest means a situation in which an employee’s private interest is inconsistent with the efficient and impartial conduct of his or her official duties and responsibilities.” If that is the case then Ravel had a serious conflict of interest!

I’m not the only one that thinks so. Von Spakosky said that, in his view, Ravel having a deal with Obama and then VOTING on an enforcement action involving him fits that exact definition of a conflict of interest.

Ravel in her history has been outspoken about her political beliefs during her reign as FEC commissioner. Back in 2014 she was in favor of a rule change that would have regulated online political speeches.

This isn’t the first time that Obama has been caught in a scandal. It has been reported here before that a $600 million rebate that was supposed to be given to families that were cheated out of it by bank. But what Obama did was give the money to fund his pro-Democrat policies!

And then there is the fact that Obama was doing what he could to rig the election! There was a report out that there are at least four million dead people and illegal immigrants that are voting in the election! Obama has the power to stop this but he doesn’t!

Share this article to show that Obama has just been involved with another scandal in his presidential career. He effectively bribed the commissioner of the FEC to stay on with the promise that she will get support for Attorney General of California. That is a complete and total bribe! But that has been the story of his presidency.

If we want to get rid of the corruption that is going on in Washington, then you need to go and vote for Donald Trump. Otherwise this type of corruption is going to continue on and on. But we have a chance to end it!