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BREAKING: New Email Just Confirmed…Obama Is STEALING This Election From Trump!

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Oct. 6, 2016

So it IS true…

Democrats really are trying to steal the election right out from under Donald Trump’s feet. How?

Allen B. West sent out the warning:

“We’ve seen Democrats ramp up efforts to repeal voter ID laws, paving the way for easy voter fraud, while furiously working to extend voting rights to felons – even against court order,” the blog wrote. “Hillary Clinton’s campaign is even employing undocumented ‘Dreamers’ to help register people to vote – even though they themselves can’t legally vote.”

But now this, from Fox News: President Obama’s own administration is getting in the game to make sure Trump loses, by hook or by crook it would seem.

“An internal Obama administration email shows immigration officials may be literally working overtime to swear in as many new ‘citizen voters’ as possible before the Nov. 8 presidential election,” the cable news outlet reported, citing statements from Sen. Ron Johnson. “The email, from a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services field office chief and part of a chain of correspondence within the agency, urges the unnamed recipient to swear in as many citizens as possible ‘due to the election year.’”


Johnson and Sen. Charles Grassley broached the matter with the Department of Homeland Security’s secretary, Jeh Johnson, and said in a letter the appearance of the email is that the White House is using immigration policy for its own political means, to bring to power one political candidate over another.

“Your department,” the letter read, Fox News reported, “seems intent on approving as many naturalization cases as quickly as possible at a time when it should instead be putting on the brakes and reviewing past adjudications.”

And at least one retired U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agent said he believed the charges.

“I am not at all surprised by this revelation,” said Claude Arnold, who used to serve as ICE’s special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations, in recalling how the Bill Clinton White House tried to use immigration to further the Democratic goals, as well.

He went on, Fox News reported: “This is a repeat of the Clinton election playbook. The it was to help reelect Bill Clinton. This time it is to help elect Hillary Clinton.”