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Trey Gowdy Destroyed Obama’s Cover-Up of Hillary’s Email Scandal

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Oct. 1, 2016

The FBI thinks they can hide the truth about their investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server from the American people.

The Bureau does not believe it needs to share the mechanics of how they conducted their investigation with Congress.

But Trey Gowdy was having none of it.

The House Oversight Committee has been in a fight with the FBI since the Bureau has refused to turn over all relevant information to the Committee.

Jason Herring, the FBI’s Assistant Director of Legislative Affairs, appeared before the Committee and wasn’t as forthcoming as some would have liked.

Gowdy reacted just as you would expect him to.

RedState reports:

But that wasn’t all Trey Gowdy did during the recent hearing. When Jason Herring, the FBI’s acting Assistant Director of Legislative Affairs, was being a bit dodgy with information requested by Congress, Gowdy was not having it.

Gowdy was after a document called a 302, which is essentially a summary of interviews of key witnesses. The FBI wasn’t giving those to Congress, and instead was getting a “summary of a summary of an interview” instead. This is something the Committee, and Gowdy in particular, was not pleased with. This, especially, with Herring telling Gowdy that he had been provided with all the relevant information, and the rest of it would come out through the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request.

“I think we’ve given the relevant ones-” started Herring.

“Relevant according to whom? I’m telling you, I don’t think you’ve given me all the relevant 302s!” said Gowdy.

“Well, the remainder of the 302s will come out through the FOIA process,” returned Herring.

“But since when did Congress have to go through FOIA to obtain 302s from an investigation that’s not even resulting in any prosecutions that your boss has already said was over? Since when did we have to go through FOIA?” Gowdy fired back.

At that point, Gowdy was out of time, but before he relinquished his spotlight, he reminded the FBI agent of how things really are.

“With all due respect, you don’t get to decide what we think is relevant.” said Gowdy.

You can watch the video below.

The lack of transparency in the email scandals starts with Hillary Clinton, but it doesn’t end there.

Many Americans believe the decision not to charge Hillary Clinton was a political choice made by FBI Director Comey.

Unless the FBI comes clean and provides all the relevant information to Congress, that perception will continue to grow.