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BREAKING: Obama BUSTED Trying To Suppress Real Reason He Sent Iran 13 Payments Of $99,999,999.99

Bob Amoroso

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Aug. 30, 2016

When historians look back at this administration, they will no doubt wonder how they were able to achieve and get away with so many countless acts of lawlessness without congress intervening, and bringing forth Articles of Impeachment.


They will no doubt marvel at how this administration was able to push through programs that devastated America’s healthcare system based on nothing more than lies and willful misinformation.

Moreover they will ask why congress didn’t act, when congress had the power to investigate whatever transgressions existed.

And why should the structured transfer to Iran, of $1.3 billion from a Treasury slush fund remain a mystery? And why is the Obama Administration stonewalling these suspicious payoffs without congress intervening?

Obviously these questions need to be answered NOW, and not a hundred years from now, and before any more additional funds are paid out to this terrorist regime.

“Astoundingly” State Department spokesman Mark Toner was grilled about how Obama was able to pay the final $1.3 billion installment, without congress being informed and about the questionable details involving the payouts, and his response was that the administration would continue “withholding this information” in order “to protect confidentiality.”

$1.3 billion just happens to be the exact amount the State Department maintains Iran is owed in “interest” from the $400 million that our government had been holding since the Shah was ousted.

However one thing is clear, Congress did not approve these payouts, and furthermore seem to be in the dark as to where the money is coming from, moreover the method of payment seems to be something out of the Cold War, in which 13-identical money transfers of $99,999,999.99 each, and 1-cent less than $100-million dollars, paid from an obscure Treasury Department account known as the “Judgment Fund.”

Source: 100 Percent Fed Up