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BREAKING: Harry Reid Caught in Multi-BILLION Dollar Corruption Scandal

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Aug. 23, 2016

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid is one of the most hated leaders in Congress, largely due to his unethical behavior and scandalous charges of corruption.

The Nevada Democrat has recently been hit with yet another allegation of unethical corruption, as he now stands accused of steering billions of taxpayer dollars into guaranteed loans, grants and subsidies for several “green energy” corporations in or near Nevada.

It just so happens that many of these corporations and groups that received federal money are owned or run by Reid’s supporters, friends, family and former staffers.

These companies all in turn funneled the federal money they received into the Clean Energy Project, which was founded and run by members of Reid’s political team.

Reid’s office doesn’t seem the least bit fazed by the latest allegations of corruption against them, as they are actually bragging about the senator’s efforts to secure federal funding for “green energy” projects.

But a detailed article by the Washington Free Beacon exposes many of the questionable connections between Harry Reid, his staff and supporters, and the recipients of taxpayer money.

Some watchdogs are suggesting that the CEP is largely being used as part of a “pay-to-play” political scheme, which rewards Reid’s friends and supporters with political favors and federal funds.

Of course, the groups and companies involved deny any wrongdoing and claim that they are simply interested in promoting and advancing clean energy while providing jobs for Nevadans.

Hopefully, the Congressional Ethics Committee will take a close and careful look at all of the ins-and-outs of Reid’s dealings with these “green energy” corporations.

The result could be that the former Senate majority leaders is finally censured, charged, and kicked out of Congress for his entirely unethical and corrupt behavior, which America has had to endure for far too long.

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter if you already knew that Harry Reid was corrupt and unethical and are just waiting for him to finally be held accountable for his potentially criminal behavior.