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Martin Berger

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Accusing Hillary Clinton of blatant hypocrisy, alternative media source Counter Punch would use a hash tag #NeverHillary, while giving the recent Democrats’ champion the following evaluation“She’s sleazy – a cheater and a liar”, noting that she wanted to set the minimum wage at the level of 12 dollars per hour, but since Bernie’s 15 dollars per hour was more popular, she claimed she wanted to introduce precisely the same wage. When pressed, she conceded she’d “like” 15 dollars per hour, but would not lift a finger to make it happen federally. Incredibly, she still conducts herself in this same manner.

The Baltimore Sun did not hesitate to accuse Clinton of the deliberate concealment of facts from Congress and the American people either, noting that the State Department’s inspector general released a report last week concluding that Hillary Clinton is a breathtakingly brazen and consistent liar. What’s infuriating about all of this is that it is not, in fact, news. Over a year ago, Hillary Clinton held a press conference at the United Nations with the intent to put the whole controversy around her released emails to rest, yet, nearly every significant statement she made was a lie, The Baltimore Sun would note, adding that we have known it for a year now, that from the earliest days of this scandal, Clinton was lying.

So what behavior one can expect from most American citizens, including these “hero-swimmers”, when even at the highest levels, officials are lying blatantly, while displaying no fear whatsoever of any potential consequences? What’s even more striking is that those liars are being promoted and encouraged in the US political establishment, and they are being allowed to occupy the highest political positions in the state, as if we are being told: “In lies we trust here, it is our symbol and our flag, because we are the Empire of Lies.

Martin Berger is a freelance journalist and geopolitical analyst, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”