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Open Letter to Paul Ryan

Rocky Montana

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May 9, 2015

Dear Speaker Paul Ryan:

In the following article is an honest ,1991 appraisal of the NAFTA Treaty, while it was being fast-tracked by Pres. George H. W. Bush and before it was signed into law by President Bill Clinton. No one was listening or willing to stop it then, not the least of which were our sworn-in representatives in Congress.  One has only to look at the conditions before NAFTA, the NAFTA Treaty itself, and the conditions which have occurred up to now--25 years hence--in both the U.S. and Mexico, to realize what a travesty NAFTA has brought to the working people of both countries.

After reading the article below (Parts 1 & 2), will you finally realize and accept responsibility for this colossally destructive trade deal on behalf of the U.S. government, and finally move to repeal it?  Or will you keep the status quo, not rock the boat, in feckless, Republicrat tradition--which the American people have come to despise--while America continues to fall into economic ruin?  Your choice to either act or do nothing will determine whether or not you are a real leader in Congress that the American people can trust and count on, and whether or not you actually deserve the opportunity that has been handed to you, to represent the American people and the new Republican Party in stewardship of the House of Representatives.


Rocky Montana


(See article insert: 'NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement' by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn; source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, June 1991, Volume 13, Number 11, Pages 4-12.)