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March 16, 2016theunhivedmind 6 comments

Washington DC’s subway system, the nation’s second busiest, is shutting down for an entire day

By Jordan Golson on March 15, 2016 05:06 pm Email @jlgolson

Washington DC’s Metro, the city’s subway system that is used by more than 700,000 people every day, will close for 29 hours beginning at midnight tonight — all day on Wednesday, in other words. The closure will allow the inspection of electric cables in the system following an electrical fire early Monday.

According to a statement from Metrorail, the inspections that cover “approximately 600 ‘jumper cables’ will occur along all tunnel segments on the Metrorail system.” After the inspections are complete, there is still potential for additional service outages depending on what is found during the process.

If the inspections are successful, the system is expected to reopen at 5AM on Thursday. On Monday, a cable fire caused significant delays on several of the network’s six rail lines as Metro operators were forced to run trains in two directions on a single track.

Last year, smoke filled a Metro tunnel, killing one and injuring dozens more, in an incident at L’Enfant Plaza. That issue drew furious responses from elected officials who called the incident “entirely predictable” and criticized the safety of the entire system. The shutdown and system-wide inspection is meant to avoid the possibility of an similar incident.

Wednesday’s closure was ordered following discussions between Metro’s general manager and the railroad’s board of directors.

Commuters looking to get to work in the city on Wednesday are expected to encounter significant delays — Uber and Lyft are likely to get a workout, so it will be interesting to see watch how surge pricing behaves.

Washington’s Metro system is one of the newer major subway systems, first opening in the mid-70’s. It was a jewel of the public transit world, but has been dogged by years of mismanagement and maintenance issues.


March 17, 2016 at 5:23 am

Jim Stone

Heads up for DC terror

The Washington DC subway is being shut down for more than an entire day because at one location an electrical fire broke out at the exit of a train station. This fire was put out quickly and caused no significant damage. But it was used as an excuse to shut the entire system down, while every single similar location is inspected to make sure the same problem is not elsewhere.


Shutting down every route on an entire train system an entire city relies upon for an entire day just because a problem happened in one location is not rational when that system shuts down every single night for maintenance, when this problem can be checked for over a couple days if it is real at all. I’d like to give people a little hint here – THE PROBLEM IS PROBABLY NOT REAL.

For some other reason this subway system is being shut down for a time frame approximately as long as it took to rig the WTC with explosives. Actually, the subway will be shut down for approximately 10 hours less all things considered, but placement of a false flag option would take a lot less time when the trains themselves can deliver it. And I’d bet the regular maintenance crew is not handling this particular “problem”.

How about THIS for an un-verified spook option: What if they are, at present, using this underground train system to smuggle a nuke past the sensors for a nice North Korean false flag terror option? Kim Jong has been getting preppy lately, and they obviously lost to Trump. They need option C to keep control of the power structure now, and in that context using the subway to smuggle a nuke so they can cancel the election would not be far fetched at all.


March 17, 2016 at 5:35 am

As soon as I came across that article on The Verge I instantly felt this could be a false flag staging event just like the work on Big Ben and other areas around the world. The Zeusians of New Venice may be attempting to pull of a London bombing 7/7 type of event which may then be blamed on Daesh or by proxy Saudi Arabia when the US is ready to play the 28-pages blackmail and destroy Saudi and the US debt to Saudi all in one for accepting Russian policies in Syria etc. Someone will be set up for the event! Now Jim has come from a different angle approach which I’d never thought about and that’s North Korea and some kind of nuclear detonation. This scenario that Stone is painting could be quite possible if the underground can shield detection of radiation signatures being scanned by the National Reconnaissance Office’s torsion field satellite network. I’ve warned you all numerous times that in order for the Department of Defense to bring back the military draft it would have to resort into faking a missile attack on the U.S. from North Korea. Americans won’t accept drafting for another Middle Eastern or even a Baltic war but if something happens with NK then Americans will be gung ho and the draft will be in for good. In the end the draft would be mostly serving the Middle East and Baltic regions all perfectly timed for World War III where NK pales in significance. Now if it’s true that a nuclear detonation can only happen on the ground and in accordance with the alignment and harmonics of the solar orb then this would be how they’d have to pull it off. If this goes ahead you’ll then see the U.S. navy fire a missile from a submarine which they’ll claim was North Korean and that’s the start of some serious events across the world and especially Asia. The U.S. is desperate not to contain North Korea but instead to contain China! Get ready because something similar to this is going to go down real soon. The U.S. will load Asia up with weapons which will all be pointing at China not North Korea.


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March 17, 2016 at 7:12 pm

Strategy of Tension, A Worldwide Universal Fascism


March 18, 2016 at 7:22 am

March 17, 2016

US Issues “Urgent Appeal” To Russia After Washington D.C. And San Francisco Subway Attacks

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An interesting Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that two “high-level directors” of the American FBI Cyber Task Force were granted permission this past week to hold a video conference call with their computer security expert counterparts at Moscow Metro (the busiest metro system outside of Asia and the 5th longest in the world) after “sustained and crippling” attacks were made against the Metro Rail system in Washington D.C. and the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) in San Francisco.

According to this report, the “urgent appeal” issued for this video conference by the FBI Cyber Task Force was due to their needing “assistance/guidance” on the “closed access” subway transit software used by Moscow Metro, versus the “open access” software used by US transit systems.

The issue of “open access” versus “closed access” transit system software, this report explains, first arouse in 2014 when, between March and August, Seoul Metro (South Korea) came under a “sustained and crippling” attack from a virus believed to have been installed on at least 60 of their computers by North Korea.

South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) in their analyzing of this believed to be North Korean virus, this report continues, then shared their findings with the FSB (as well as others) who then ordered Moscow Metro to close off remote access to their software due to how potentially dangerous it could be—unlike the Americans who choose to keep the remote access to their systems intact.

The dangers of keeping the American transit system software open, though, this report says, was evidenced in 2015 when this virus struck the Metro Rail system in Washington D.C. killing one, and had became so pervasive throughout their computer systems that this week they had to initiate an emergency, and historic, 29-hour shutdown to change their entire transit software from “open access” to “closed access”—which Moscow Metro, and FSB security experts “guided/assisted” them in doing.

Likewise in the US, this report continues, San Francisco’s BART system, which remains an “open access” one, is continuing to see disruptions due to this virus too.

With the US and South Korea having previously announced, and are currently carrying out, their “largest ever” military drill, this report concludes, the Obama regime has, for reasons “unknown/unstated”, chosen not to fully protect themselves from North Korean attacks such as this—which seems foolish as this hermit kingdom has 6,000 trained military hackers that many experts have already warned are capable of attacks to destroy critical infrastructure and even kill people.


March 19, 2016 at 6:08 am

North Korea student jailing not believable

Jim Stone

Interesting it is that the story of Otto Warmbier came out as the UN slapped sanctions down hard on North Korea, and the U.S. was doing war exercises off Kim Jong’s coast and that NK has no Rothchild owned central bank. There is something people need to consider before believing Warmbier was sentenced to 15 years hard labor over taking a poster –

REMEMBER DENNIS RODMAN and North Korea – Dennis Rodman went to North Korea, spent the entire time drunk out of his mind, and on the last night there was so drunk he ended up out in the hallway of the hotel, pooping and peeing all over himself while he was totally naked. And Rodman got on the plane and flew home that day. Try that scenario in the U.S. and see what happens.

Well, I am not the only one calling B.S. on this Warmbier story:

Whenever a topic is huge, Google makes a little section at the very top of the page for it, and low and behold, in that section was this:Australian National University professor labels Otto Warmbier ‘a liar’ and ‘a convenient actor’


“It was quite the performance.

Fighting through tears and his own quivering voice, 21-year-old American Otto Warmbier never broke character.

“My mother needs me,” Warmbier said, before reaching into his pocket for a tissue. “My father needs me. My younger brother, my younger sister need me. I have made the single worst decision of my life but I’m only human.”

For his efforts and for his confession – Warmbier was filmed stealing a poster on January 1 – he was sentenced to 15 years hard labour.

But maybe, just maybe, they were crocodile tears.”

And I’d have to agree. Something stinks with this. And here is a proposition – Perhaps this kid is not in North Korea at all, and this is all just a setup. How would we know? Have you heard the ziopress report anything of a political nature accurately lately?

Never forget the NDAA, which Congress passed in 2013. The NDAA makes it perfectly legal for the government to invent any lie they want out of thin air and have the media publish it as fact. That would make it perfectly legal for the U.S. government to invent this story about North Korea out of thin air, for the purpose of getting public support for a war. Ditto for 90 percent of the immigrant rape stories, the Bataclan, San Bernardino, the WHOLE 9 YARDS. It is a fact that because of the NDAA, you cannot believe a thing the media publishes anymore, officially.


April 24, 2016 at 5:15 am

As I said before always monitor maintenance, inspection and shutdown work.


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