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BOMBSHELL Malheur Wildlife Refuge Involved Officials Names Revealed - Our Government has committed treason

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April 6, 2016

Dateline February 4 2016, Federal Grand jury returned an indictment to prosecuters charging Ammon Bundy and 15 additional suspects at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Or. , a week later on february 11 2016 law enforcement escorted the Rev. Franklin graham and Nev. Assemblywoman Michele Fiore to the Refuge where 4 remaining individuals surrendered, the media collectively called these individuals extremist, criminals, among other terms, but a group of individuals supporting the Bundys, Hammonds, jailed suspects, have teamed together and found documents that lead to the determination of their innocence, and to the conspiracy behind the assasination of the suspects leader LaVoy Finicim in an ambush between Burns Or. and John Day Or. the officials tied in are powerful, wealthy, individuals who used innocent ranch and land owners, private citizens, to line their own pockets, it eventually ended up causing the murder of Mr. finicim.