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Feb. 2, 2016


The unholy alliance between environmentalists and government agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management are sometimes exposed for what they are, simply a greedy land grab that cheats private owners and bullies them into submission rather than face the behemoth federal government.

Most citizens have no idea that the federal government owns more than 50 percent of the land mass in 11 western states, and they absolutely could never conjure up why the federal government needs to control that much land. In fact, it seems much more economic and manageable to have the various states control most of the public land within a particular state, but the videos below the bravado and the admission that what is really going on is out and out theft.

Land Grab by BLM is Theft

One case of reviewed by a BLM employee, certainly not aware that the video would end up on YouTube. The recording helps explain the standoff now in the news regarding Oregon ranchers.

“We went out to the mine and the owners were two little guys that had been in the Second World War,” a California park service employee recalls at a retirement celebration for Mojave National Preserve Superintendent Mary Martin in 2005.

The employee brags about how the veterans’ mine was appraised by the federal government at $40 million, and acquired for a paltry $2.5 million.

“We did get it appraised and we did acquire it for $2.5 million which I stole the money from Washington to acquire it,” the employee in the video admits, adding that it’s sometimes hard to bamboozle property owners due to the agency’s reputation.

“’Lands’ isn’t always supported because we’re the ‘bad guys.’ We come in, and we take this land. And we always take it for less than it’s worth.”

The employees’ jaw-dropping admissions amid joyful applause, smiles and celebration over the confiscation of two World War II veterans’ and others’ private land goes to prove the federal government is not at all concerned with “land preservation” and focuses mainly on predatory land grabs.

The long and short of it is that the federal government was meant to be limited, but in fact is anything but. Perhaps a new American revolution is the only answer to this type of government abuse.

