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Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

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Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force,

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Saturday ,  February 20, 2016

JFK Case Re-Opened

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert


Assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas  source


UNITED States of America   -  It can now be reported that a U.S. Military Court in Washington, D.C. has re-opened the investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Note:  There are no statute of limitations for murder or HIGH treason.

New evidence has been supplied to the U.S. Military Court and the U.S. Michigan Flag Officers from the Russian Federation, French and Vatican Intelligence dealing with the JFK assassination, including a 1963 film that is now available in high definition that clearly shows five (5) shooters firing at the President of the United States in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.

Current U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy, now has a copy.

Seven (7) arrest warrants have been issued by the U.S. Military Court and the legendary U.S. Michigan Flag Officers for individuals still alive and tied to the plot to assassinate President Kennedy with five (5) of the individuals residing in the treasonous state of Texas.

The major warrant deals with the immediate arrest of former U.S. President and CIA Director, NAZI 'Skull and Bones' German George Herbert Walker Bush.

P.S.  The notes of the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (who was executed for HIGH TREASON by the patriot U.S. Michigan Flag Officers) are now in the possession of the U.S. Military Court, including those dealing with the cover up of the 1963 JFK assassination and the NAZI German 'Skull and Bones' Bush Crime Family plot and conspiracy to assassinate former President Ronald Reagan using Bush Family crony John Hinckley Jr. as the trigger man.

Note:  It is important to remember as reported by the then Washington Times that Silverado Savings and Loan Denver, Colorado-based bank dick, NAZI German Neil Bush had reservations to have dinner with the brother of the bought and paid for assassin, Bush Crime Family stooge John Hinckley Jr. the day after the attempted assassination of U.S. President Ronald Reagan.



Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush and George W. BushFRAUD

AP/Scott Audette  source

The U.S. Military Court in Washington, D.C., along with the U.S. Michigan Flag Officers, are also in possession of notes and emails from the now executed TREASONOUS Italian fascist, late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, showing that Scalia was in communication on the day of the year 2000 presidential election with major Florida law firms, including Florida election officials, reference Katherine Harris and then Florida Governor Jeb Bush in preparation to shut down any real recount in the state of Florida, which would show that then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee easily won the state of Florida by over 70,000 votes and was elected the President of the United States.

NAZI Scalia also personally discussed with Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris how to cover up the fact that 50,000 African-American voters were illegally purged from the voter rolls by Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris and described as convicted felons when they were only minor traffic offense violators.

Note:  Scalia directly conspired to violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965.



Your days on American soil are numbered.  Constitution DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr. will soon be inaugurated by the U.S. Military Court and will use direct brute force against your filthy NAZI German TREASONOUS 'Skull and Bones' bloodline.

In closing, the U.S. SECOND CIVIL WAR AND REVOLUTION is clearly now underway.

We can now report that members of the U.S. Air Force from the state of Texas headquartered at the OFFUTT Air Force Base in the state of Nebraska have flown their aircraft back to Texas soil at the Dyess Air Force Base given the warning from the U.S. Michigan Flag Officers that the state of Texas has 24 hours to turn over the entire NAZI German Bush Crime Family Syndicate bloodline or face incineration (that includes you too, Alex Jones).

. . .

DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr.

awaits inauguration, our U.S. Constitution that is

the Supreme Law of the United States demands it!



. . .

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