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jAN. 27, 2016

We are confronted by a geopolitical situation perhaps as dangerous as any we have faced since World War II: chaos and extremism in the Middle East, Russian aggression and expansion, and a weakened Europe threatened by horrendous unemployment, in no small measure caused by a failure to tackle structural reforms in many of the countries which form part of the European Union,” wrote Jacob Rothschild, a British investment banker and a member of the prominent Rothschild family, in an annual Strategic Report of RIT Capital Partners plc (RIT) – Dark Clouds Forming In Europe

Those are fighting words.  Throughout history the underlying cause has always been the constant:  an Empire in collapse.  On the surface the Empire appears to be the United Stats. But a lot of very bright people with whom I’ve been associated over the years would argue that the nexus of the Empire is the mysterious City of London.  To be sure, if the western Empire is interconnected by the bankers, the Rothschild family has its fingerprints all over the Fed, the Bank of England and the ECB – and the BIS.

The above statement by Jacob Rothschild might seem irrelevant on its own.  But in the context of the fact hat U.S. Government has been the inflammatory source of the geopolitical tensions described above, Rothschild’s commentary should be examined in the context of the war powers that Congress is about to serve up on a silver platter to the occupant of the Oval Office.  Or, should I say, the powers that stand incognito behind the sock-puppet who masquerades as Commander-In-Chief.

Today – January 26 –  the Senate will discuss a Joint Resolution slipped into the agenda – LINK, see the last entry – by Mitch McConnell which will give the President the ability to exercise war powers unilaterally without Congressional approval on pretty much anything considered Muslim.  Ron Paul has described McConnell’s proposal as “the most massive transfer of power from the Legislative to the Executive Branch  in our history.”  LINK

Here’s the McConnell resolution:   (a) In General.–The President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force in order to defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, its associated forces, organizations, and persons, and any successor organizations.”

This is how it compares to the resolution passed in 2001, which triggered the war on “terror:”   The resolution passed in 2001 only authorized force to be used concerning those involved in the eventsof September 11, 2001, but it has been wrongly used to justify all sorts of activity and force that it clearly has nothing to do with.  But this proposed S.J. Res. 29 has no limit.

One minor correction.  This Resolution is limited by Section 5b of the War Powers Resolution passed in 1973 which requires that the President check in every 60 days with Congress once he’s initiated war activity on suspected “terrorists”.  Guess what?  If you have a beard and suntan, you are a suspected terrorist by the terms of the McConnell proposed legislation.

Quite frankly, especially in the context of the commentary by Jacob Rothschild, this proposal by McConnell is the next step in the direction of giving the President dictatorial authority to start war with anyone, anytime.  Anyone who can’t see this coming, or who has “hope” that the next President will derail this inevitability, is either tragically naive or catastrophically ignorant.

Just for the record, the two biggest contributors to Mitch McConnell’s campaign funding bank account are Blackstone Group and Goldman Sachs.  With JP Morgan at #3, three of the top five are the most influential financial entities on Wall Street.   Any questions about who’s in charge?

Given the source of the monetary control over Capitol Hill in its entirety – yes, including Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders – it makes sense that the impetus to start a world war is coming from bankers, given that the global financial system is on the cusp of an unavoidable collapse.

Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat history (George Santayana).   World wars, or their historical equivalent, occur when a previously omnipotent Empire becomes impotent.  The only threat to the well-being of the west, specifically the United States, is the unavoidable financial and economic collapse lurking around the corner.  History tells us that, unless something statistically improbable occurs, a world war is also right around the corner.