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Lesson on FBI CIA Informants Activist Provocateurs Infiltrators Deceivers Disinfo Agents

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FW:  Jan. 8, 2016

We are living in a world where a significant number of people will do anything for money. There are a lot of deceivers who are paid to mislead people. There are people who are paid to infiltrate legitimate groups in order to discredit them. There are people who are paid to make truthers look like lunatics. There are people who are paid to lead people away from Christianity and God. This is the evil that is permeating this world. If you don't learn about it you will be consumed by it.

If you ever want to find out who are the agent provocateurs, federal agents, and snitches in your local area, just go to a patriot meeting. For every sincere patriot there are 10 federal agents and snitches. No effective patriot group in America has any less than 20% Federal Agents and Snitches within their ranks, with the leaders almost always being paid informants.