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J.D. Heyes

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Dec. 23, 2015

(NaturalNews) In recent days the House, thanks to House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, adopted a $1 trillion-plus budget bill that adds hundreds of billions to the federal debt and decreases further the opportunity for our progeny to have a good life.


With its passage, this latest budget represents the complete political sell-out of the American people.


Prior to this budget, there were still vestiges of policy difference between Democrats and Republicans.


Democrats have historically been known as the party of Big Government, favoring high-dollar welfare programs and expansion of the federal bureaucracy at every turn.


On the other hand, Republicans were historically the party of smaller government, fiscal and personal responsibility and maximum liberty. The election of George W. Bush signaled a dramatic change in Republican orthodoxy, however, with Big Government programs like the major expansion of Medicare (Part D) and the No Child Left Behind law. The only president to have expanded the federal budget more than Bush has been Obama.


But as we can see with this latest budget, Obama is getting plenty of help from the "opposition party," which not only provided full funding for Obamacare and the president's refugee resettlement plans, but appreciably increased spending on virtually all of Obama's priorities, budget deficit be damned.


One party rule

As former GOP presidential contender and U.S. representative from Colorado, Tom Tancredo notes – as reported by – the end result represents the complete merger of the Democratic and Republican establishments.


Congress has adopted a 2016 federal budget that makes it official: The Republican Party and the Democrat Party have merged.


In the name of stability and progress, Republican leaders have agreed with Democrats to put big government on autopilot — with no change in the programmed destination, full-blown socialism. On December 18, at Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan's urging, 150 House Republicans voted to double down on the politics of surrender.


Yesterday, we thought we had two parties, Republicans and Democrats, but now we see that we have only one, the Repubocrat Party, the party of No Shame.


Tancredo, like most conservatives, feels betrayed after helping elect the largest number of Republicans to Congress – as well as state legislatures and governorships – since the Civil War; they were sent there to oppose Democrats and the Obama agenda, not support and even expand it. Yet that's what they've done, at virtually every turn.


Tancredo notes specifically:


-- In 2016 it likely won't matter who you vote for because "government growth is on autopilot, and the expansion of imperial government will continue, whether we elect Democrats or Republicans;"


-- Republicans talk about ending "sanctuary cities" whose local governments harbor illegal aliens (against federal law), and 5 million visa overstays, but do nothing to actually end the practices;


-- Republicans talk about reigning in the out-of-control federal bureaucracy, but continue to fund every agency without making any effort at all to use their power of the purse to defund – and hence reign in – the various agencies.


Tancredo goes on to make this admission as well: He "left the GOP" two months ago, and is now a political Independent. He says that's what the conservative and constitutionalist base that is continually lied to and abused by the GOP leadership need to do – bail, and let the party earn back their trust (if that's possible).




'We deserve better'

In the meantime, he says, voters can exact some revenge during the primary season by supporting candidates who are committed to busting up the D.C. establishment cabal currently occupied by both men and women who are loyal to everyone and everything but voters.


Tancredo paraphrased the Republican leadership's excuse for selling out their supporters:


Fulfilling commitments to K-street lobbyists is more important than keeping promises to the voters who elected us. Voters have preferences, but lobbyists have checkbooks. If you expect us to repeal slush funds and illegal regulatory mandates for the sake of principle, you're living in a different world.


As a former member of Congress, he knows exactly how "the system" works.


"We can do better; we must do better. Living on hypocrisy is not a healthy diet for patriots," he concluded.

