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October 26, 2015theunhivedmind 2 comments

Use snail mail to thwart spies, Assange tells journalists

October 24, 2015 1:37 PM;_ylt=AwrC1jEh0CtWjkEAnzXQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg–

Brussels (AFP) – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has urged journalists to use regular postal services to thwart government spying.

“My recommendation, for people who don’t have 10 years’ experience in cryptography, is to return to old methods (and) use the traditional postal service,” Assange said in an interview published Saturday.

“Journalists are treated by intelligence services as spies,” he told the Belgian daily Le Soir. “The same methods used against spies are used against journalists, and now journalists must learn counter-espionage methods to protect their sources.”

On Thursday WikiLeaks released a second instalment of documents from CIA director John Brennan’s hacked personal email account, including his contacts list.

Assange, in another interview with the Belgian daily L’Echo, reiterated that WikiLeaks would release more of Brennan’s documents on Monday, which he described as “documents awaited by many human rights activists and lawyers, but also people who were tortured.”

He added that WikiLeaks would soon post information about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

In August, WikiLeaks offered 100,000 euros ($110,000) for a copy of the trade deal.

Assange is to contribute by videoconference to a debate Monday on “political transparency and protection of privacy” to be held in Brussels.


October 26, 2015 at 7:25 am

Whilst you can hinder easy access to data by using the postal service, you cannot defeat spying. The postal service is all electronically sorted and utilizes the post-coding etc. If an intelligence agency wants to know your postal mail they can flag up your address and all of your mail can be put to one side for viewing before it will later go through the final postal service processing for delivery. This is one of the ways the NSA have been infiltrating shipping of computers to certain addresses. If you want real privacy use paper and a personal messenger. A lot of the elite families do not use email or postal service and instead they rely on personal messengers who face-2-face pass the message on.


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`·-☆ The Unhived Mind


October 26, 2015 at 7:29 am

The Post Office has automated mail intercept

I am VERY busy with the video of Occupy LA and other things, so I want to throw this out there because I can do it quickly, and it is important –

Many of you heard me say how the NSA told all of us that the phones have been bugged since the beginning of time, ect. BUT there is something I forgot to mention –

I had a friend in a high security position at the regional mail sort center in Minneapolis Minnesota. Since I had a decent clearance, I got to see the guts of the place with him, he took me through. AND what I saw was SHOCKING

Remember 20 years ago, when those bar codes started appearing on the bottom of the mail envelopes, even when the address was hand written? WELL, I have a story about that which really needs to be told.

I got shown the mail sort machine, and it had a camera on it that could read ALMOST ALL the mail going through, EVEN BAD HAND WRITING, and put that barcode on the bottom. Cool, right? Well, wait a minute, maybe not!

The machine could be programmed to look for an address going to a political dissenter. IF there was someone out there who was disenfranchised with the government, that machine, when it read even a poorly handwritten address either to or from a dissenter, could be programmed to kick that mail out and send it up a chute, where there were people opening the mails and reading them. All types of envelopes were available, so the mail could be re-packaged without a trace, with a printer printing the exact same writing back on the new envelope.

The machine could not always read the address, it read most but not all. When it could not read the address it hit another chute where there were people downstairs who manually typed it in, and it got sent along as usual, unless, of course, the address came up as belonging to an undesirable.


Forget snail mail as a way of getting a message across, it’s as rigged as e-mail;

Just thought I’d let you know.

. . . . . now back to work.