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Texas Rancher Fights Back Against BLM Land Grab

Patriot Rising

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Oct. 13, 2015

“It is a land grab… As far as I am concerned, this is private property”













A Northern Texas rancher says property that’s been in his family for over half a century is now suddenly being targeted for confiscation by the Bureau of Land Management.

Ken Aderholt runs cattle on his roughly 1,250 acres in Harrold, Texas, along the Red River, which forms the border between the Lone Star State and Oklahoma.

Aderholt’s family has had a deed to the land since 1941, and he had hoped to pass the property and the family business on to his sons.

“They come down here a lot and play,” Aderholt told KAUZ News Channel 6. “They help with the cattle and help building fences. They are very interested in hanging round here and helping me out.”

But according to the Bureau of Land Management, the same federal government agency that confronted Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy in 2014, some of that land belongs to the feds, and they want the Aderholts off it.

Furthermore, the BLM claims the deed that proves Aderholt’s ownership of the land, given to his parents by the State of Texas, is worthless.

“The BLM is saying we should have never had a deed to it. That Texas should have never produced that deed,” Aderholt said.

The rancher concedes the BLM is entitled to land “along the gradient boundary,” according to KAUZ, which Aderholt says is dependent on “the way the water washes and cuts into different properties.”

But the BLM argues the real boundary lies a half mile inland from the river, which cuts into 600 acres of Aderholt’s land.

KAUZ reports the BLM’s efforts could leave Aderholt and his family homeless, as his “house is located inside the 600 acres the BLM wants to claim.”

Despite never bothering him for the last 70 years, the feds aren’t offering Aderholt an explanation for what they plan to do with the land.

“They could own it, they could turn it to the public, they could condemn it, they could sell it back to me,” Aderholt says.

“It i a land grab,” Aderholt insists. “As far as I am concerned, this is private property.”


Watch: Although no gunshots were fired, what happened at the Bundy Ranch was a shot fired across the bow using the most powerful weapon in the infowar, the camera. It captured the iconic moment of the people taking on an aggressive government tyranny, a snapshot that still reverberates one year later. We look at the lies, the spin and the reality of a federal government openly defying The Posse Comitatus Act as it threatened and brutalized citizens of the community. Although the sheriff did nothing to protect the community, neighbor stood with neighbor in true posse comitatus, the “power of the community”, to expel the federal army from the community.