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BREAKING: Is McCarthy Resigning?

AAN Staff

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Oct. 12, 2015

Speculation is heating up, and reports and rumors suggest that House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy may resign today. 

McCarthy, who was John Boehner's handpicked successor in the race for Speaker of the House, abruptly dropped out of the race late last week. The resignation was considered a major victory for the insurgent House Freedom Caucus, but in its aftermath, unsubstantiated rumors have floated about that McCarthy may have had an inappropriate relationship with Rep. Renee Ellmers. Many point to a letter written by North Carolina Rep Walter Jones as evidence:

Jones' letter, dated Tuesday, was addressed to Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Washington), the chairwoman of the House Republican Conference. It ominously referred to past instances in which Republican lawmakers stepped down because of "skeletons in their closets." Then, in bold and underlined print, he urged any leadership candidates to drop out of the race if there were any "misdeeds" in that person's past.

Jones wrote (emphasis his):

With all the voter distrust of Washington felt around the country, I'm asking that any candidate for Speaker of the House, majority leader, and majority whip withdraw himself from the leadership election if there are any misdeeds he has committed since joining Congress that will embarrass himself, the Republican Conference, and the House of Representatives if they become public.

Along with his signature, Jones added a message at the end of the note: "I believe this question is important to the integrity of the House."

Many are suggesting that this statement was the cause of McCarthy's resignation, but Jones has noted that his statement was in reference to past speaker Bob Livingston, who withdrew his Speakership candidacy after he was caught having an extramarital affair. 

We will update this story as it develops. 


 Source: AAN - See more at:



Speculation is heating up, and reports and rumors suggest that House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy may resign today. 

McCarthy, who was John Boehner's handpicked successor in the race for Speaker of the House, abruptly dropped out of the race late last week. The resignation was considered a major victory for the insurgent House Freedom Caucus, but in its aftermath, unsubstantiated rumors have floated about that McCarthy may have had an inappropriate relationship with Rep. Renee Ellmers. Many point to a letter written by North Carolina Rep Walter Jones as evidence:

Jones' letter, dated Tuesday, was addressed to Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Washington), the chairwoman of the House Republican Conference. It ominously referred to past instances in which Republican lawmakers stepped down because of "skeletons in their closets." Then, in bold and underlined print, he urged any leadership candidates to drop out of the race if there were any "misdeeds" in that person's past.

Jones wrote (emphasis his):

With all the voter distrust of Washington felt around the country, I'm asking that any candidate for Speaker of the House, majority leader, and majority whip withdraw himself from the leadership election if there are any misdeeds he has committed since joining Congress that will embarrass himself, the Republican Conference, and the House of Representatives if they become public.

Along with his signature, Jones added a message at the end of the note: "I believe this question is important to the integrity of the House."

Many are suggesting that this statement was the cause of McCarthy's resignation, but Jones has noted that his statement was in reference to past speaker Bob Livingston, who withdrew his Speakership candidacy after he was caught having an extramarital affair. 

We will update this story as it develops. 


 Source: AAN - See more at: