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Elizabeth Warren: Without Government You Could Do Nothing

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Oct. 10, 2015


The boot licking continues as Elizabeth Warren implies you can do nothing without Government. I think Warren has drastically underestimated the American people in this CNS News report:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said at a discussion on infrastructure investment and job creation on Thursday that government can accomplish more than individuals.

“Government permits us to do things together that none of us could do alone,” Warren said at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace event in Washington, D.C.

Infrastructure is “a basic example” of why a federal government is necessary, she said.

“As I see it, investing, or failing to invest in infrastructure, is right at the heart of how we build a future in this country,” Warren said. “In fact, infrastructure is a basic example of why we have government at all.

“Government permits us to do things together that none of us could do alone,” she said. “No one can build a road in front of her house, hope that her neighbors will do the same and will somehow end up with an interstate transportation system.

“Instead, we create something more valuable by working together,” Warren said, “and the consequences of working together is that we help to create the conditions for our people to become more innovative, more competitive and more successful.”