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Congress Declares Martial Law as Dollar Rapidly Collapsing: “Living in Last Days of This Republic.”

Mac Slavo

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Oct. 8, 2015

The debt ceiling issue is returning to the forefront in American politics, again threatening a government shutdown.

Last time, the shutdown resulting in sequester for many agencies that suspended work for many government employees; a great deal of political theater dominated the news cycle; but ultimately, things returned to a basic normalcy.

This time may be different, as a number of critical factors face Americans in 2015. Last week, Congress passed “procedural martial law” to address stop-gap spending as it faces the debt ceiling crisis again.

Meanwhile, this quietly announced martial law forced a vote on bills the same day, preventing members from even reading the legislation they are voting on, to avert an October 1 government shutdown. The move, which was done just a few weeks prior, shows how desperate things have become. The Hill reported:

For the second time in a month, the House on Tuesday invoked “martial law” to allow more expeditious consideration of a stopgap spending bill to avoid a government shutdown on Oct. 1.

The use of martial law refers to bypassing the typical procedure that requires the House to wait a day after the Rules Committee produces a rule establishing floor debate parameters before voting.


House GOP leaders invoked martial law earlier this month to fast-track a spending bill. But they ultimately never had to use it after the Senate opted to go first with the spending bill.

Crisis is averted – for now.

But the dollar is now an unwanted export commodity. As the U.S. rattles sabers with Russia in its proxy wars, the basis for American power overseas is rapidly collapsing.

China is ready to move forward with a “global reset” that would include the yuan in a global basket of currencies, and knock the dollar out of its reserve currency status.

Increasing troubles of U.S. and government financial institutions gives a sharp warning that things are coming to a head.

SGT Report issues a critical and under reported warning: “We are living in the last days of this Republic.”

In the video, Sean from SGT Report summarizes these important dynamics that are coinciding with Congress’ procedural martial law:

•The dollar is collapsing

•China is demanding a “reset” of the global currency standards, which would official end the dollar’s reign as reserve currency

•In its place, a global reserve currency planned since 2009 is forming, using a basket of currencies as value, and SDRs as a drawing mechanism on the global stage

•Putin is fighting with the U.S. openly on multiple fronts, as the War on Terror turns into a Russian offensive in Syria and Ukraine remains tense

•The Federal Reserve faces an existential crisis over its bipolar decisions in furthering quantitative easing and/or hiking the interest rate enough to leave the economy on life support

•Stock market gyrations, looming derivatives disasters, and a system wide economic collapse regularly threaten the financial system, as experts predict collapse as an

inevitable result of the 2008 crisis, and detrimental recovery policies afterwards that have given more power than ever to the banks.

•Procedural martial law was passed in Congress under the guise of confronting the next round of debt ceiling

Chillingly, the SGT labels the United States a “banana republic,” noting that it meets the criteria of the definition:

“The very definition of a banana republic is a politically unstable country whose economy is largely dependent upon exporting a limited resource product – like dollars.

It typically has stratified social classes, including a large impoverished working class, and a ruling plutocracy of business, political and military elites. This political economic oligarchy controls the primary-sector productions to exploit the country’s economy” (source: Wikipedia)

Now, the last semblances of the power of that republic, in its military strength and the “export of freedom and democracy”, will fade significantly with the death of the dollar.

Things have become so gnawed to the bone, that, as SGT Report notes:

“Now the criminal Congress and shadow government need to use procedural martial law to pass stop-gap spending measures to keep the entire house of cards from coming down.

And who is at fault? We must remember and point to the Rothschild central bank – the Federal Reserve is to blame for all of this. The entire system has been manipulated to wring out the very last dollar from the American people, to bankrupt the Treasury, and to bring the United States of America to its knees – so that a new international currency can rise like a Phoenix from the ashes.”

“We are living in the last days of this Republic.”

The republic died, unofficially, a century ago with the creation of the Federal Reserve, and many other shifts in power, finance and institutions during that era.

Today, in the final stages, the undermining of the dollar reserve currency (established in 1972 under Henry Kissinger’s shadow presidency during the Nixon and Ford Administrations) may well be enough to trigger a global economic collapse of epic proportions, and is likely to destroy the wealth and power of nearly all Americans, along with stock markets across the world.

There is likely to be deep economic pain for most Americans during this currency crisis. It would mean not only tremendous wealth destruction to individuals, businesses and families, but a threat to the physical survival of hundreds of millions of people – who will have to endure Greece-style money shortage, food and grocery shortage, hunger, power outages, rioting, looting and government assistance.

Meanwhile, politically, the decline of the American empire over seas, its hegemony and dominant voice in global affairs will be even sharper – further weakening the economic status of the country, and amplifying the effect on individuals.

If America is reduced to alliances based upon the export of the Dollar itself, which props up its military actions and keep the Pax Americana alive, what will happen when that dollar no longer holds any value? Will we soon see superpower rivals reach out with the hand of economic salvation?

What will life be like under a global currency, in a digital age of control?

Can another republic spring up in its place, after this present reign of tyranny wanes and carries out its course? Will there be patriots out there to restore liberty