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DARK Act to get Senate hearing . . .

Ronnie Cummins- Organic Consumers Assoc.

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Sept. 27, 2015

Dear Organic Consumer,

Ever since the House passed H.R. 1599, the DARK—Deny Americans the Right to Know—Act on July 23, we’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop.

We won’t have to wait much longer. 

Word is out that the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), which helped Monsanto write the DARK Act, has scheduled a lobbying day for October 7. And the DARK Act is set to be heard by the Senate Agriculture Committee, likely the week beginning October 5.

We have nearly $70,000 to go to meet our current fundraising goal by midnight September 30. We'll use the money to fight H.R. 1599 in the Senate. Can you make a donation today? Every donation, large or small, helps. You can donate online, by phone or by mail—details here.

Thanks to you, we’ve been able to meet with Senators all over the country, to let them know just how bad this bill is.

It’s been working, in the sense that a Senate bill has yet to be introduced—probably because Senators know that introducing a bill that stomps all over state and consumer rights, a bill opposed by 90 percent of their constituents, will make them very unpopular with voters.

But that little detail—the lack of an actual Senate bill—isn’t going to stop Monsanto. With the help of its Big Food allies, Monsanto-the-Poison-Pusher is forging ahead.

As the July 1, 2016 deadline to comply with Vermont’s mandatory labeling law draws dangerously close, Monsanto grows increasingly desperate.

As one EU country after another announces it will ban GMO crops, as food giants like General Mills and Kellogg’s struggle to survive, as McDonald’s, the king of junk fast food restaurant chains announces organic hamburgers in Europe, Monsanto reads the writing on the wall.

As the World Health Organization classifies Roundup as a human carcinogen, and as more physicians and scientists stand up to the Biotech Bullies, Monsanto finds itself backed into a corner.

You can bet, with such obscene profits at stake, Monsanto will come out of that corner more determined than ever to ram the DARK Act through the Senate.

We will fight back. But we need your help.

This could be our last hope to save the GMO labeling movement. Can you help us raise another $70,000 by midnight September 30? So we can ramp up the pressure on the U.S. Senate beginning October 1?

The DARK ACT would preempt any attempt by the FDA, or any other federal agency, to require labels on GMO foods. In fact, the DARK Act preempts the FDA from even allowing voluntary labeling of GMO foods.

We must stop this bill in the Senate. It will take all of us working together to do it.

Thank you!

Ronnie Cummins

National Director, Organic Consumers Association and Organic Consumers Fund