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Bolton: White House 'threatening' Dems on Iran


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Aug. 23, 2015

The Obama administration is threatening Democrat lawmakers with political consequences if they vote against the international nuclear agreement with Iran, posited former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton in a radio interview Sunday.

“As people say, the White House is not playing hardball over this deal. They are playing ice hockey,” said Bolton.

“And I think they have threatened political consequences for Democrats who haven’t declared. And it’s unfortunately why I think that the White House will get enough votes from the Democrats in probably both the House and the Senate,” he said.

Bolton was speaking on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990 AM and online.

Bolton suggested every lawmaker should be asked whether they know what’s in the side deal between the U.N.’s nuclear watchdog and Iran.

Last week, the Associated Press reported the secret deal allows Tehran to use its own inspectors to investigate the Parchin nuclear site where Iran has been accused of developing nuclear arms at least a decade ago.

The AP reported it saw the deal contained in an agreement labeled “separate arrangement II,” indicating there is another confidential arrangement between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

In response to the AP report, senior administration officials claimed U.N. inspectors would be on site to supervise the Iranian inspectors throughout the investigative process.

However, two Senate opponents of the deal, speaking on condition that their names be withheld, disputed the administration’s claims, telling NBC News it is “categorically untrue that IAEA inspectors will be inside the Parchin facility while soil samples are being taken.”

Speaking to Klein, Bolton said he believes Secretary of State John Kerry signed off on the IAEA side deal.

Bolton said he finds it “incomprehensible” that the IAEA didn’t first get the approval of the Obama administration on any separate deals.

“And I think Kerry signed off on it,” he said. “If he didn’t sign off on it, then he’s guilty of malfeasance, malpractice as secretary of state.”

Obama operatives target Schumer over Iran deal

Since Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., came out against President Obama’s deal with Iran, a number of other key undecided Democrat lawmakers have quietly weighed whether or not to oppose the international nuclear agreement in a vote next month.

Two weeks ago, Schumer, who is eyeing the Senate Minority Leader position, declared that he will vote to oppose the international agreement with Iran, posing a significant blow to Obama’s diplomatic efforts to garner support within his party for the deal.

In response, major progressive groups have mobilized to oppose Schumer.

In response, major progressive groups have mobilized to oppose Schumer. announced a “donor strike in response to Schumer’s Iran position.”

The George Soros-funded radical group threatened it will “organize grassroots progressives across the country to withhold campaign contributions from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and from any Democratic candidate who succeeds in undermining the president’s diplomacy with Iran.”

“Our goal will be to secure commitments to withhold $10 million in contributions within 72 hours after this campaign launches,” stated the group, singling out Schumer.

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The political action committee of Credo Mobile is also leading anti-Schumer activism, calling him “wrong on Iraq, wrong on Iran, wrong for Senate Democratic leadership.”

White House Spokesman Josh Earnest seemed to have expressed some approval of the Schumer campaign when he said he “would not be surprised” if Democrats consider Schumer’s stance on Iran when they vote for the next minority leader.

Last month, Obama led a conference call with progressive groups across the nation, including Credo and

“You guys have to get more active and loud and involved and informed,” Obama told participants in the call arranged by the White House.

White House spokesman Earnest told reporters that “thousands of people representing a large number of groups” were invited to be in on the call, including “groups that have previously worked with the White House or would be inclined to work with the White House on this issue.”

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