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John McCain — The Insane Traitor Who Masquerades as an American Hero

Tony Elliot

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July 23, 2015

It looks like John McCain's remarks about Donald Trump supporters being crazies has backfired on him big time. Now McCain's life is being dissected piece by piece, beginning with his war record, outbursts of angry insanity, to his overall anti-American tenure as Senator of Arizona.

Seemingly, McCain has always been a traitor to his country, beginning with his stint in Viet Nam, where he was accused by many fellow soldiers of collaborating with the enemy while being held a POW in N. Viet Nam.

Colonel Ted Guy, McCain's commander during his time as a POW was preparing a case of treason against McCain shortly before President Richard M. Nixon signed a blanket pardon for all returning prisoners of war. Thus, McCain escaped all prospects of prosecution. 

John McCain, again, blatantly met with the enemy, rallied for their support, and led the way back in 2012, alongside the Administration when President Obama tried everything in the book to gain approval from Congress to begin bombing the Assad government to help certain rebel factions gain control of Syria. John McCain even went to Syria to meet with the so called rebels to seal a deal, helping them financially with billions of dollars, weapons, and equipment, training by the US military in Jordan, and help on the battlefield. These same insurgents who have various ties to international terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda, are now known as ISIS, since being able to organize into a massive army via the US help, all compliments of President Obama and Senator John McCain. 

Incident after incident of weapons and supplies being mistakenly dropped into ISIS hands have been reported. Make no mistake, these supply and weapons drops are intentional.

Again, McCain is committing treason against his country.

Donald Trump is right: John McCain is no American Hero—he is a coward in every respect.

McCain has an impeccable record of being anti-American with every piece of legislation he endorses and writes.

McCain does not support war veterans.

McCain is anti-second amendment.

McCain supports an open border policy.

John McCain also has his POW records sealed, which is not consistent with someone proud of their record.

John McCain supports almost every bill that comes along the pike that is bad for the American people and for the country in general.

Senator McCain has also been wrestling with insanity since the public has known him, with angry outbursts, foul language, and rants. This, along with his general anti-Americanism are a direct result of the brainwashing he went through during his time as a POW and the guilt he carries around all the time in his subconscious because he aided and abetted the enemy. He has been carrying this around ever since. Definitely not a person who we want in public office making important decisions about our country.

McCain must be on some mega psyche prescription drugs in relation to his mental state, Ambien being admitted to. But many other psychotropic drugs have to be taken also by someone in his psychiatric state.

One thing is clear about John McCain, and that is…he is, and always has been mentally unfit for public office.