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Rand Paul

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June 22, 2015

Obamatrade is now back in the Senate, and a final showdown is rapidly approaching.


But this President still won't make the Trans-Pacific trade deal public, keeping it locked away in the Capitol Hill basement -- far out of the view of the American people.


Meanwhile, members of Congress are piling on new tax hikes and massive new spending programs to RAM it through and falling all over themselves to hand this President massive new powers.


I'm counting on you to help me stop this madness.


Will you please sign your "NO OBAMATRADE" petition and, if possible, agree to your most generous contribution of $20.16 right away?


Over the past few weeks, more and more Americans have begun to see why I oppose Obamatrade.


As far as I'm concerned, the American people have had enough of government hiding things from us.


And every time they say it's "for our own good," we've found ourselves in an even deeper mess.


Just think of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who stated Congress needed to pass ObamaCare "so you can find out what's in it!"


If passed, "fast-track" authority would allow trade deals the Obama administration negotiates with the 12 member nations covered in the Trans-Pacific Partnership to pass Congress with a simple majority vote -- instead of the 67 U.S. Senate votes the U.S. Constitution requires for ratification of a Treaty.


I believe in free markets. I believe in free trade.


But given this President's abuse of Executive Authority -- with everything from assaults on the Second Amendment to NSA spying -- I worry Congress is preparing to put the fox in charge of the hen house.


With only a simple majority vote needed for congressional approval of trade deals the Obama administration negotiates, I'm afraid President Obama could gain all the power he needs to finish "remaking America" by imposing a horde of new Big Government policies.


Yet supporters of this trade deal -- who tell you and me we have nothing to worry about -- have never even read the text!


And members of Congress are fighting to tack on "Trade Adjustment Assistance," which creates a massive new welfare system here in the United States -- and dramatically hikes taxes on small businesses.


The Washington Post has already reported that the U.S. economy is "grinding nearly to a halt!"


So massive tax hikes are the absolute LAST thing we need.


Patrick, it's time for this scheme to be released for the American people.


If the President won't release it and agree to an open and transparent process -- to ensure Americans' liberty is protected -- Congress must vote "NO!"


If you agree, please sign your "NO OBAMATRADE" petition, and if possible, please agree to your most generous contribution of $20.16 TODAY!


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In Liberty,


Rand Paul