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June 18, 2015

Apparently, some politicians didn’t get the message after last week’s vote blocking Fast Track legislation from moving forward in the House. This Thursday morning - TODAY - the House is expected to vote AGAIN on Fast Tracking trade deals like the job-killing, environment-destroying, medicine price-raising Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). If Fast Track can be defeated again in the House, AIPAC's provision attacking European sanctions on illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank will again be blocked.   


TAKE ACTION: Call your U.S. Representative at 1-888-804-8311 and urge him or her to vote NO on Fast Track.


Tell your Rep.: Vote NO on Fast Track! 

Take Action

There’s a reason we were able to block Fast Track in the House last week: you and countless others keep telling Congress in no uncertain terms that you want “No Fast Track for the TPP!” We can stop them again, but we can’t let up now.


Tell Congress enough is enough! Urge them to vote NO on Fast Track at 1-888-804-8311.


The stakes here are very high. If passed, Fast Track would create a virtual rubber-stamp for dangerous trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that threaten jobs, wages, the environment, public health and peace in your community and communities throughout the world.


Fast Track legislation really did take a major blow last week. Winning this vote should knock Fast Track out for good. Please call now.


Thanks for all you do for justice,


Robert Naiman

Just Foreign Policy


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