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Americans Losing Faith inU.S. Government, Institutions

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American confidence in the U.S. government and the nation’s major institutions is in the pits.

That’s according to polling data out from Gallup that shows just 33 percent of Americans are confident in the U.S. presidency, 32 percent in the Supreme Court, and an abysmal 8 percent in Congress.

U.S. confidence in the Supreme Court and Congress remains near the record lows hit last year. Confidence in the president, meanwhile, is up modestly from that time but still low by historical standards.

“The average confidence rating for the three branches of government combined is 24%, lower than most previous averages since 1991 and well below the high of 50% that year,” Gallup reported.

But it isn’t just the three branches of government that are failing to gain confidence with a majority of Americans. Besides the military and small business, American confidence in national institutions has tanked.

Here’s a breakdown from Gallup:


“Today’s confidence ratings of Congress, organized religion, banks, the Supreme Court and the presidency show the greatest deficits compared with their historical averages, all running at least 10 points below that mark,” the polling agency reported. “Americans’ frustration with the government’s performance has eroded the trust they have in all U.S. political institutions. Likewise, Americans’ confidence in banks fell after the bursting of the housing bubble and the subsequent financial crisis.”

Recent polling data from Rasmussen illustrates the effect of this massive lack of confidence in U.S. government and the nation’s institutions, finding that 65 percent of Americans believe the nation is headed down the wrong track.