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May 25, 2015

If we had a Republican president right now, not a single Democrat would vote for Trade Promotion Authority. So what I’ve said to my members, if we want the next Republican president, who we hope will be sworn in less than two years from now, to have a chance to do trade agreements with the rest of the world, this bill is about that president as well as this one.”

Senator Mitch McConnell


Congressional Sellout on TPP Fast Track

There is a simple reason why the Congress is held is such ill repute. Leadership in both parties are total agents for the Plutocrats that have systematically destroyed our economy with their globalist corporatist model that results in national impoverishment. The only startling pattern to this bipartisan betrayal is that the public continues to accept their excruciating fraud with only a whimper of discontent. BATR has covered the TPP Fast Track issue intensively. The most consistent observation is that the public, in this sinking economy, has ignored the impact that will accelerate, as the leaks from this secretive agreement become known.

Debating the facts or the “so called” merits of free trade is like talking to a deaf mute that is blind. Sign language will not work, nor will beating a drum communicate the war message that the globalist plot to fatally cripple our domestic economy is the real goal of all the internationalist trade agreements.

Corporatism has no national loyalty. Authentic conservative economic nationalism has been sold out by the political class, who are funded by monopolistic transnational’s dedicated to a New World Order of centralized control and rationed resources for the general public.

Naïve Conservative, newborn Tea Party members and wishful Republican enthusiasts expressed rejoice with the GOP gaining a Senate majority in the 2014 election. Yet it was unequivocally ordained that the new majority in the Senate would maintain the same destructive leadership treachery under Harry Reid. The Mitch McConnell leadership era only differs in style when it comes to pushing the same globalist agenda.

The Washington Post reports that Obama wins trade victory in the Senate.

“A coalition of 48 Senate Republicans and 14 Democrats voted for Trade Promotion Authority late Friday, sending the legislation to a difficult fight in the House, where it faces more entrenched opposition from Democrats.”

Without McConnell’s complicity, many Democrats would have had to cast their support for fast track since many of the no votes allowed for cover from their true sentiments. However, the overwhelming Republican acceptance illustrates just how futile it is to place trust in the Senate.

A Senate of Subversion details the customary duplicity that applies to both parties. Nonetheless, the immediate circumstance at hand asks, Could Conservatives Push TPA Over the Finish Line?

According to Roll Call, Republican phony conservatives show their true colors.

“While many on the right are still hedging their position on the TPA, there appears to be some conservative support for the trade process legislation. And with congressional Democrats increasingly taking a firmer line against the TPA, which would give expedited consideration to the Trans-Pacific Partnership under negotiation with 11 other countries, conservatives could be the key to getting the TPA over the finish line.”

Add the ridiculous admission of Orrin Hatch on Trade Bill:  ‘I DON’T KNOW FULLY WHAT’S IN TPP MYSELF’ Ironically, Hatch also admits he doesn’t know what is in the TPP deal, while at the same time he objects to the push for more transparency prior to any crucial votes”, and you have a classic example that Senators simply vote for their corporatist masters.

The next report from Breitbart demonstrates just how futile it is to place faith in a Republican Senate. Only Two Republicans Admit They Actually Read Secret Obama Trade Deal —Both Unsupportive, separates the lone responsible Senators from the rest of the pack.

“Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has on numerous occasions publicly stated he has read the TPP—which is locked away in a secret room in the Capitol, access to which only lawmakers and certain staffers with high-level clearance are provided—and a spokeswoman for Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)  on Thursday told Breitbart News that the Senator has read it as well. Despite asking press staff for every U.S. Senate Republican office throughout the day Thursday if their office’s senator has visited the secret room to read the deal—specifically the controversial “living agreement” contained within it—only Sessions and Lee would confirm they visited the room to read it.”

Now if you want a detailed history lesson on Fast Track, no better analysis is provided than, The TPP and the TTIP: How Congressional Republicans Lie to Approve Obama’s Trade Deals.

“The crucial vote in the U.S. Senate was on 14 May 2015, when the issue was whether to grant these deals “Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority,” which is what Presidents since Nixon’s time have used in order to get Congress to cede to the Executive, the U.S. President, virtually 100% of Congress’s Constitutionally mandated role in treaty drafting and approval — making it effectively an entirely Presidential matter. This “Fast Track” was invented by the Republican President Nixon in 1974, in order to bring about an Executive dictatorship in the passage-into-law of international-trade treaties that would otherwise stand no real chance of becoming law, because too many members of Congress would lose their seats if they voted directly for such horrendous treaties. So, instead, there is now instead, for these super-terrible international-trade deals, “Fast Track,” as constituting the crucial vote. This trick enables a member of Congress to say that he or she had voted for “Fast Track” instead of for the trade-deal itself. (He then has actually voted to eliminate the Constitution’s requirement that any treaty needs two-thirds of the U.S. Senators to vote for it in order for the treaty to become law; that two-thirds is reduced by “Fast Track” to a standard 50%. Though in the U.S. Constitution international treaties were handled as requiring especially high caution in order for them to be able to become law, Nixon created this way around the Constitutional requirement, this “Fast Track” trick that should be thrown out by the U.S. Supreme Court.) The presumption here, in shunting these important things off into a procedural trick, is that voters are stupid enough to be easily fooled, and this is it: “Fast Track.”

When Boehner Praises Trade Bill Passage, the complicity of the Speaker of the House  registers for all to see.

“Trade helps create good-paying American jobs, so it’s good news that the Senate has put us one step closer to eliminating trade barriers. These reforms have the support of farmers, manufacturers, small business owners, and Americans from all walks of life, and it’s not hard to figure out why," Boehner says in a statement.

Drawing reasonable conclusions Devvy Kidd offers up a perceptive viewpoint in Boehner and McConnell Working to Kill off America as we know it: TPP.

What can you do?

1. STOP voting for incumbents who are are not constitutional bull dogs. STOP voting the same incumbents back into office every two years (House) and six years (Senate) even though the Seventeenth Amendment was NOT ratified by enough states, few in America care. My Seventeenth Amendment lawsuit is in the Third District Court of Appeals in Austin, Texas; the next brief is due July 3rd. I will keep you posted. Are conservatives happy they voted back in all the same incumbents last November who continue to stab us in the back?

2. Last month the trade deficit was $40 BILLION dollars. That's America's wealth being sucked out of this country. Buy Made in USA (a huge listing of companies) so American companies can expand and hire Americans. Ask where you shop. Let them know you will order on line, but we support American workers first. We CAN create a huge job boom. That means fruits and vegetables, too. See: One Million Jobs Project - take five minutes to read and watch:

Folks if you want to see the future, rely on Pat Buchanan: If Republicans Pass Trade Deal, They’ll Never Win The Presidency, because the economic record is perfectly clear. Challenging Republican leadership usually goes unreported.

“How does [House Budget Chairman] Paul Ryan explain the fact that we’ve had $11 trillion in trade deficits since the NAFTA decade?” Buchanan posed. [T]ake a look at our country: why is China suddenly all these gleaming new cities and factories and plants to build the silk road, while the United States of America is indebted $2.5 trillion to China and Japan?”

Facing up to this consequence of the most destructive trade treaties of the last several decades is something the Republicans have avoided. Purging the Buchanan wing from the GOP has produced a total breakdown in even the appearance that there is a difference in the parties. The political class are dedicated internationalists and are bent upon the destruction of an independent domestic economy where Middle America can exist.   

What good is it to have a majority in both legislatures in Congress if your party power brokers continue to betray genuine conservatives? The Radical Reactionary essay, The Irrelevance of the Republican Party is a must read resource that traces the saga and argues that the GOP cannot be reformed.

Mitch McConnell and John Boehner have failed miserably in their leadership roles. Paleo-conservatism is the only alternative to internationalist neo-Cons. Embrace populism and reject the GOP elitism.

SARTRE – May 26, 2015

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