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 (June 2003)Our


The career political class is the quintessential

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Our game keeps Us in Controlall this money from the little people - we create nothing and take everything

The career political class is the quintessential predatory clique. If you remember and understand any aspect about politics, let it be the nature of the people who devote their lives to a band of thieves. Forget about the seeming dissimilarities in ideology, the political culture maintains a common conduct. Ignore the rhetoric that resembles opposing viewpoints, the club of controllers protects each other. And if you ever believed in heroes and are still waiting for a savior, your disappointment will eventually turn into despair. What sustain the process of government are the deception of its vice and the refusal of the public to admit that the game never changes.

The charlatans that are attracted to become players in this adventure of egotism are filled with enough vanity to pay off the federal debt. The sheer idea that a lifetime devoted to national service is a noble pursuit corrupts the body politic and perverts anyone who dreams of change, while yearning for public adoration.  Examine the results of the scam that grows out of the mindset that avows - we are from the government and we are here to help you . . .

Politicians who seek elected office are driven by the allure of power. Some may campaign on a platform of helping the people, while most scheme to grow the agencies and scope of the State. Those who have romantic dreams of reform in the beginning will mutate into guardians of the system that feeds the delusion that they make a difference. These fakes deceive themselves that good comes out of their legislation and that society improves with every program. They are frauds because their primary device is deceit. And they are cowards because they do not dare reveal their true motivations. The public would never understand, they have become irreplaceable!

What elected politician devotes their efforts to defending individual Liberty? Passing a federal law to impose compliance in order to free people is preposterous. But that is the principal focus of legislation. The government will compel liberation under the rules that suit the political class. The reasoning that the top down knows best permeates the execution of control. When a dubious authority is enacted to empower a bureaucracy, the plan of mutual dependence is fostered. Symbiosis produces the appearance of periodic friction, but the reciprocity that is shared between the lawmaker and the bureaucrat is rooted in correspondent interest.

This is the reason why cover-ups become the norm. Factions that naturally vie for dominance will close ranks, when the vile organism is threatened. The common bond of alliance supersedes any internal differences. The decisive criminal syndicate is the ultimate gravy train. Coerced and binding taxes, which steal from the wealth creators and enhance the efficacy of the thieves, who demand even more tribute, is the real constitution that defines the STATE. Enforcement and regulation is the aim of the bureaucrat as is the source of their own influence. Don’t be hoodwinked into thinking there is a difference between the elected politician and the commissar.

Again just examine the record! Retirement from office or losing an election is rewarded with capacious pensions. Those skillful in developing their nefarious talents or fortuitous in gathering derogatory dirt will extort their usefulness into a cabinet position. For those not so gifted, lobbying additional legislation, bribing the regulator or a simple cajole for a chum - becomes the full time occupation for the former office holder. Once an addictive infatuation, a venture into Washington DC turns into an enduring Beltway obsession, and a permanent sentence of enslavement for the people.

Is this the kind of public service that benefits the citizen? This formula for organizing society and maintaining basic civic order is a ruse. The politician as a professional is ludicrous. A continual career on the public dole is incompatible with good government. A shift from congressman to a lobbyist doesn’t return one to the private sector, but just perpetrates and promotes the pernicious union of State/Capitalism. If you think this is a harsh assessment, explain how so many politicians and bureaucrats become rich while on the public payroll? Do you really think that their accumulation of financial rewards is confined to their salaries? Speaking gigs are payola and book deals are payoffs. Appointments to NGO’s - non government organizations - think tanks and quasi public institutions are the charity of easy compensation for serving the elite culture.

This revolving door always slams shut in our faces, but most of the public is oblivious to the sting. They are more consumed with the perceived gains they can extract from the system. This attitude of apathy in accountability for the entire political class is one of the main causes of the nation’s demise. We all know that politicians get away with murder, so why sweat the small stuff! As long as I get my government check, those free services and expanded programs isn’t that the purpose of the general welfare? So goes the rationale of the masses, following the exact plan of the political class.

This game has no amusement value. Its only entertainment is for the enjoyment of the career politician. Their pleasure should not be our anguish. Their pastime need not be our pain. Our future should be one that promotes hope. This dreadful game needs to end. A proper ethos of true public service must be restored in order to achieve a national purpose - the Liberty of each individual citizen . . .


SARTRE - June 1, 2003

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