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Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

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Sunday   May 3, 2015

Eyes Over Ohio

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert



UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio, Steven M. Dettelbach, is in possession of material evidence tying JPMorgan Chase to criminal wrongdoing in illegally parking interest rate and foreign currency derivatives with financial giants Fidelity, HSBC Bank of Hong Kong and noted insurance giant Prudential Bache.

Note:  These derivatives represent the pension funds of JPMorgan customers and have now been co-mingled and laundered so the aforementioned parties can use crooked, illegal algorithm trading to manipulate U.S. bonds, U.S. Treasury notes, along with the foreign currency cross rates of the Japanese yen and the euro currency.

This latest ponzi scheme is being run to reduce the exposure and borrowing costs of JPMorgan reference the Greek debt tied to JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank, which is euro denominated at a rate of 1.25.

P.S.  At this hour, President Barack Obama and current and former members of his cabinet are being threatened and blackmailed by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate that is seeking to take complete control of every organ of the U.S. government, including intelligence agencies, all financial regulators (that are already totally corrupt) and the military, before the 2016 presidential election cycle even starts.

Note:  This won't work!  The majority of the U.S. Military and French Intelligence operating on American soil are determined to force a showdown and an eradication of the HIGH TREASON NAZI Paperclip Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate within 48 hours.

Tonight it is CODE BRANDYWINE.


In closing, stay tuned for future intelligence briefings in which we will describe the last days of Eric Holder as U.S. Attorney General.  Folks, it is worse than Marc Rich.


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