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It's no joke: The FDA is the Fraud and Death Administration

Paul Fassa

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April o30, 2015

(NaturalNews) The FDA serves the bottom lines of Big Food and Big Pharma. After pharmaceutical companies provide questionable testing reports, they pay the FDA licensing fees for the drugs' approvals. And Big Food has their way with their ingredients with the FDA.

This type of corruption is not new. In the early 1900s, Dr. Harvey Wiley headed the Bureau of Chemistry, the precursor to today's FDA. He created a guideline to ban bleaching wheat chemically to produce white flour. This process destroys nutrition and leaves toxins in white flour.

Wiley quit his position after he had become frustrated from the lack of enforcement for his ban. The legacy of unhealthy bleached flour white bread dominated until the 1970s, and is still used today unless specifically labeled as unbleached.

The FDA has done nothing to even warn Americans of monosodium glutamate (MSG). They classified MSG "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) in 1959. Millions have suffered unknowingly from this food additive's neurological toxicity.

In 1949, after yellow journalism's Hearst Publications printed JAMA editor Morris Fishbein's attack articles, he sued them both for slander in 1949. The case was heard in 1952, and the judge favored Hoxsey. But then the AMA signaled the FDA to unleash their attack dogs.

After confiscating herbal remedies from patients in their homes, the FDA closed and padlocked all 17 successful Hoxsey clinics in 1960. Another example of the FDA protecting both Big Pharma and the AMA against non-patentable herbal remedies.

A large Hoxsey clinic currently curing a high rate of cancer patients now operates in Tijuana as the Bio-Medical Center.

Throughout the 1970s, bids from G.D. Searle and Company, now part of Monsanto, for aspartame approval had been denied by FDA scientists. The Searle chairman at the time, Donald Rumsfeld, managed to use his transitional federal government position in 1980 to place a crony in charge of the FDA, Arthur Hayes Hull, Jr.

Rumsfeld's man helped push it through while hiding the results of six monkeys tested on aspartame before 1970. One died and five had grand mal seizures. Now, millions of humans have been adversely affected by aspartame.

Soon after that successful dirty deed, Rumsfeld's useful crony Hull went to work for Burston-Marsteller, the chief public relations firm for both Monsanto and G.D. Searle. The revolving door keeps spinning.


Now it's worse than ever thanks to a corrupt congress and a two-faced president

While campaigning for his first term, Obama promised to never appoint former lobbyists into administrative offices. Monsanto's Michael Taylor is ensconced in the Obama Administration as the "Food Safety Czar" or chief Executive Branch consultant for the FDA. Michael Taylor has been a lawyer and lobbyist for Monsanto. That's his resume.

During the 1990s, Micheal Taylor came from Monsanto into a key FDA position. Michael Taylor has been in and out of the FDA and Monsanto so often that he's considered the poster boy for the revolving door syndrome that transforms corporate tyranny into government power.

From his FDA position, Monsanto Mike managed to influence some states to prosecute dairy farmers who labeled their hormone-free products as "hormone free" or "no rBGH," Monsanto's GMO hormone to force greater milk production from cows while infecting them enough to contaminate the milk with pus.

In 2006, the FDA attempted to completely protect Big Pharma from liability suits. They wrote in their "Final Rule" a clause that exempted properly labeled prescription drugs from lawsuits. This was right around the time Merck's Vioxx lawsuits were piling up from so many deaths caused by the drug. Merck is a big FDA client.

Big Food has no worries with what they do, while healthy raw milk providers are raided. Big Pharma's protection comes from the FDA's willingness to raid and destroy natural solutions that dare to use the word cure, even if usually true.


About the author:

Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding them towards direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom.

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