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Deal Reached on Fast-Track Authority for Obama's Secretive TPP; Bill Subjects U.S. to Transnational Corporate Rule

CGL News

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Aprl 20, 2015

Deal Reached on Fast-Track Authority for Obama's Secretive TPP; Bill Subjects U.S. to Transnational Corporate Rule | 16 April 2015 | Key congressional leaders agreed on Thursday on legislation to give President Obama special authority to finish negotiating one of the world's largest trade accords, opening a rare battle [?] that aligns the president with Republicans against a broad coalition of Democrats. Even with the concessions, many Democrats sound determined to oppose the president. Representative Sander Levin of Michigan, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee, condemned the bill as "a major step backward." The A.F.L.-C.I.O. and virtually every major union -- convinced that trade promotion authority will ease passage of trade deals that will cost jobs and depress already stagnant wages -- have vowed a fierce fight. [NO, New York Times. It's not a 'rare battle.' Contrary to what the corporate-owned media asserts 24/7, Wall Street fraud Obama has aligned himself with Republicans since day one on most issues, except for those grounded in identity politics. Start reading.]