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Treasury Department refuses to answer Congress on $3 billion unauthorized Obamacare payments

L.J. Devon,Staff Writer

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April 5, 2015

(NaturalNews) The Executive Branch of the US Federal Government is running wild, without any standards to go by, without any limitations. That's because the US Constitution has been turned into toilet paper. Every single right in the Bill of Rights is now routinely folded up, used to wipe politician's buttocks, and then flushed down Big Government toilets. The US Treasury Department does not even get authorization from the House of Representatives to spend money anymore.

Article I, Section 9 of the US Constitution explicitly states, "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of

Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the

Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from

time to time."

Of course, the Affordable Care Act (mandated medical system insurance act) was passed into law a few years ago, expanding government's taxation powers, but Congress is in charge of authorizing spending through annual appropriations. However, the US Treasury Department doesn't care about annual appropriations, and the leaders of the department have already doled out nearly $3 billion in unauthorized payments to health insurers in 2014 alone.

This is a perfect display of government gone wild. The US Treasury Department is taking billions of dollars from hard-working Americans and funneling it to the health insurance industry. Obamacare should be called "a perpetual bailout of the failing medical system."

House Ways and Means Chairman Representative Paul Ryan from Wisconsin is requesting that the US Treasury explain their actions, but the Treasury department has rebuffed his request, proud of their illegal efforts to extort people and funnel money to the insurance industry.

The Treasury is doing this because of a provision of Obamacare that allows insurers to enjoy cost-sharing subsidies. The healthcare law forces insurers to limit out-of-pocket costs for low-income individuals. To cover the loss, Obamacare fines those who do not buy medical system insurance and uses this tax money to reimburse the insurance companies!

Where it gets confusing is how Congress authorizes this money annually. This year, Congress did not appropriate any money to insurers. The Department of Health and Human Services and the US Treasury didn't care either way. They appropriated nearly $3 billion to insurance companies, without Congressional approval. Not only is this a crony way of doing business (taking billions of dollars and propping up an entire industry), but it's also corrupt to the core, bypassing the actual guidelines of the Constitution.

This means that the Executive Branch of government is moving billions of dollars where they want without legal authority to do so -- spending money that has not been appropriated. With the Affordable Care Act in motion, the Obama Administration thinks they can control the purse. The next administration that comes into office will most likely follow the same path. The government is no longer a system of checks and balances. It's a system of runaway powers, flexing authority arrogantly.

House member Paul Ryan has tried to hold the administration accountable. In a Feb. 3 letter to Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, Ryan and Michigan Representative Fred Upton asked the administration for "a full explanation for, and all documents relating to" cost-sharing payments paid out without congressional authorization.

When the Treasury Department responded to Ryan and Upton in February, they revealed that $2.997 billion had been doled out in 2014, but they didn't mention where that money came from.

It's obvious that the money came from taxpayers. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that, over the next 10 years, cost-sharing payments to insurers will cost taxpayers nearly $150 billion.

This is theft at the highest level. Could you imagine what the private sector could do with $150 billion -- investing in new ideas to renovate the broken medical system? Instead, the money is stolen from the private sector through new mandates and taxes and then funneled into the very industry that has corrupted healthcare. It's medical system insurance that ensures blind obedience to faulty and dangerous pharmaceutical drugs and procedures.

This system now controls the people of the United States, using the Executive Branch of the government to take hundreds of billions of dollars from the people while pulling it into their empire for total control.

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