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FW:  March 17, 2015















Revamping the chart doesn't improve the product

The formation of a bureaucratic superstructure for national intelligence will put in motion a perverse organism. The significance lies not in the figurehead or even the process for the selection, but rests in the birthing of a Medusa. Little wisdom comes out of this modern daughter of Phorkys and Keto, the children of Gaia (Earth) and Okeanos (Ocean).  This ugly creature will use the charms of seduction – national security – but will end up spreading a den of snakes. The globe will be her playpen and the seas will be her lake. No one or no place will fall outside her watch. She will run her hydra network through all those underling heads, but in the end her advice will revival that of Eve.  The mother of all evil won’t be a gender bias for any director will impose paternity over the stream of information. The children of this fraudulent union will bear the price from her wrath. Overseas enemies will feel the force of her boot. And the only creature to resist her might may well be those who run under the radar screen. 


Quite a departure from all those spies that came in from the cold.  Can you envision James Jesus Angleton following orders? Remember his direction to CIA Director McCone and FBI Director  Hoover during the Warren Commission:


“One question will be "Was Lee Harvey Oswald ever an agent of CIA?" The answer will be no. A second question will be "Does CIA have any evidence showing that a conspiracy existed to assassinate President Kennedy?" The answer to this question will also be no. The third question will be "What suggestions does CIA have to offer for safe-guarding the life of the President of the United States?" Angleton didn't have the complete answer to this worked out but because of the nature of the question, it wouldn't conflict with what the Bureau has already suggested. A fourth question will be "Does CIA believe the Soviet documents on Oswald submitted to the Warren Commission accurately reflect the Soviet relations with Oswald?" Angleton said their answer cannot be either a flat yes or no because they do not have the knowledge to so state. He said he believes McCone's answer will be to the effect that CIA is aware that Soviet Russia does have a directorate charged with the responsibility for carrying out assassinations and, therefore, these documents in question would not normally reflect accurately relations with such a person as Oswald. However, on the other hand, CIA has no evidence that Oswald was under the instructions of this directorate charged with assassinations. “


How about the Dulles brothers? John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles would turn over in their graves before allowing a consolidation of a top down national intelligence director, unless of course, one of them got the position. Richard Helms might be LBJ’s man and Nixon’s accomplice, but would he adhere to a rogue elephant herd running the intelligence community? If you still have doubts, ask William Colby how safe it is to canoe the waters of Maryland's Wicomico River - loose lips sink ships. What all these infamous Beltway spooks have in common is a dedication to a stalwart state of elitist control for world affairs.


National security, for this company, and all power demons is always the same – cover your own ass. So when George Tenet states: "I don't believe that you should separate the leader of American intelligence from a line agency”, you get the real low down. A fiefdom for any ‘Intelligence Community” agency head is sacred ground and must be defended with all their resources, covert and clandestine, if considered necessary. When a Sub Rosa bureau or a  faction element within an agency, venture into executing their own policy, the players at the top are undermined. That’s not necessarily bad, depending upon your loyalty. Surely your own interests are seldom protected or advanced by official doctrine.  However, when the entire apparatus of intelligence gathering is directed towards the eradication of true national self-interest and the implementation of a total compliant society, one needs to re-examine if trusting in claims of national security, really safeguards our country.


The riddle within an enigma that is presented as too complex for ordinary people to understand is not a mystery. It is a designed plan meant to cover the real goal. An oversized and reinvented supra-bureaucracy won’t curb the internal conflict among contradictory viewpoints. Case in point, since the NeoCons are in charge, any movement to purge their extensive inter connection of disloyal treachery, will be put down with official blessings.  When a dedicated Likudnik is placed as head master at the intelligence institution, you can be assured that the only curriculum accepted for public indoctrination will reflect an Israel First benefit. With the appointment of a “super spook” will the prospects of national independence become a reality? Based upon current events, further integration with hostile intelligence services will intensify.


Ironically, this prospect flies in the face of Efraim Halevy, head of Mossad, Israel's intelligence service, from 1998 to 2002 warning:


“Now there is a recommendation to appoint an intelligence “tsar” in the United States. In my humble opinion no greater mistake could be made so far as the intelligence community is concerned. If the new tsar is to assume command responsibility for the intelligence community, then he will be de facto director of the CIA and the other intelligence agencies in the country. He, and he alone, will be responsible for the content and standard of the evaluation. The professional director of the CIA will be responsible to the tsar, and the president of the United States will be functioning through a “proxy” on matters of war and peace. In intelligence, there can be no sharing in responsibility; it is, and will always remain, indivisible.”


Just maybe the NeoCons running the Bush administration are more kosher than the Israeli ‘Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy’. Halevy has his own nasty record, and certainly shares the same regional goals as the likes of Perle, Feith and Wolfowitz, but his perceptive analysis has already been rejected with the decision for reorganization. Homeland Defense move over, the new gorilla on the block, will make MI 6 shutter and James Bond defect.



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Such delusions only go to reduce our real national interest. The first task for any intelligence service is to know who is your real enemy. Spying on Americans while sharing information with Tel Aviv is pure madness. Yet, what should be expected out of a culture that doesn’t trust anyone, but obeys orders from those who can advance their personal circumstance. The terminal cancer that spreads within the “Intelligence Community” has only one cure – loyalty to the legitimate America.  The operatives that run their cells and control their moles need to disrupt the move towards a national sellout. The beast they work for and serve is a mortal threat to the last remains of a republic. Their Medusa myths are a Greek tragedy that has grave real world consequences.  The overhaul needed is not one of organization, but one of exclusion. That’s the only intelligent approach.


SARTRE – December 19, 2004

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