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3 Ways Your Children Are Already Wards Of The State

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Feb. 19, 2015

1. Their education. This is the first in the list because it is the foundation of everything else. Once the state controls the vehicle for education, it controls the future of the country. Unfortunately, the public education system — one of the primary planks in the Communist Manifesto — has been in place long enough now that it is considered a right by the people, and one that they not only don’t want abolished, but one that they will even fight to keep.

Public education, supported and supplemented by the un-constitutional Department of Education and leftist unions like the National Education Association, is the most ideal way to control and indoctrinate the population. The state gets to decide where our children will attend school, what subjects they will be taught, how those subjects will be taught, and what are considered proper behaviors from children. Even in private schools, there are government-mandated rules and regulations that must be followed to be compliant with state expectations.

2. Their faith

It’s no secret that faith is under constant attack in modern America, particularly the Christian faith. While tolerance is preached from the rooftops, it seems to apply to everything except Christianity. This denouncement of faith begins in the most likely of places for any form of indoctrination: the public school system.

There are countless instances of children being corrected for mentioning Christ or faith in their answers, and prayers are at best discouraged and at worst punishable. Even saying “God bless America” can gets students in trouble.

Once a child moves on to institutions of “higher education,” any remaining vestiges of their faith are attacked much more directly and brutally.

3. Their medical care

The case of Justina Pelletier being held against her will by a Boston hospital for over a year shocked the nation, but apparently not enough. Now there is the recent case of the17-year-old girl from the same area who is being held by a hospital — under court order — and forced to accept chemotherapy, something she actually ran away from home to avoid.

Then there is the case of the Washington state couple who are fostering an infant. The family doesn’t approve of vaccinations, and the state authorities have threatened to remove the child from their home unless the entire family is vaccinated. And there are many, many other cases, including some in which parents were threatened for letting their children play outside.

The argument about forced vaccinations has been pushed back into the public awareness recently, and even many on the “conservative” side of things are now saying vaccines should be mandatory for all children.


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