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#FireBoehner: Backlash Against Boehner Explodes On Social Media

Kit Dennis

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House speaker owns millions in stocks profiting from Obamacare

Kit Daniels


January 6, 2015

Social media has exploded in opposition to Rep. John Boehner, who faces re-election as House Speaker and has profited from owning millions in stocks benefiting from Obamacare.

#FireBoehner: Backlash Against Boehner Explodes On Social Media 010515boehner

Credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr

On Twitter, the number of tweets tagged #FireBoehner surged from 2,200 to 7,600 in only two hours last night as voters demanded a new House Speaker to replace Boehner.

#FireBoehner: Backlash Against Boehner Explodes On Social Media fireboehner2 [1]Last night’s surge in #FireBoehner tweets, as documented by

“Why hasn’t Obama’s agenda been stopped the past four years? Two words: John Boehner,” @GovtsTheProblem [2] tweeted.

He and thousands of others have completely flooded the social media accounts of Republican representatives, who find themselves wedged between the angry constituents who voted them into office and the Republican establishment who support Boehner.

For one thing, voters are angry at Boehner for his lack of opposition to Obamacare, which could be explained by his heavy investment in medical and insurance stocks, as Jerome Corsi of World Net Daily pointed out [3].

“Boehner has continued to profit from health-industry investments tracing back to 2009 [before Obamacare was enacted into law]: Wellpoint Inc, which he bought at $56 a share, is now trading at $124.37. Cardinal Health, which he bought when it was trading at approximately $30 a share in 2011, is now trading at $80.44; and Pfizer which was trading at under $20 a share in 2010, is now at $31.06,” Corsi reported. “In addition to the health-care stocks, Boehner’s investment portfolio includes several large insurance companies, including shares in John Hancock (bonds and notes), Travelers (stock), Prudential Financial (bonds and notes), Allstate (stock), AFLAC (bonds and notes) and MetLife (bonds and notes).”

Overall, Boehner’s portfolio of stocks prospering from Obamacare are worth $3.5 and $5 million, Corsi added.

Boehner is also profiting from businesses benefiting from President Obama’s executive amnesty, political commentator Pat Buchanan revealed [4].

“Boehner and those folks up on the Hill are going to follow the people who pay their room and board and tuition,” he told The Steve Malzberg Show. “The business community doesn’t want anything done.”

“They would like to have the amnesty just go forward.”

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