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Caddell Poll: GOP Voters Want to Dump Boehner as Speaker

James Morrison

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Jan. 2, 2015

Sixty percent of Republican voters want John Boehner replaced as Speaker of the House, a new poll shows, as a conservative mutiny grows against the Ohio congressman they consider too accommodating with President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats.


The Caddell Associates' survey of 602 Americans who voted Republican in the midterm elections also found that they agree with the simmering conservative revolt, as 64 percent called Boehner too "ineffective" in opposing Obama’s agenda.


When asked if they wanted to replace Boehner, 34 percent said they would "definitely" support a new speaker and 26 percent added that they "probably" would want someone else.


The survey, conducted last week, adds to a growing debate on the right over Boehner’s future as the leader of the House in the new Congress.


The election for speaker is scheduled for Jan. 6, and Boehner would need the support of a majority of members present and voting.


The resignation of Republican Michael Grimm of New York dropped the total number of House members in the new Congress to 434, with Republicans holding 246 seats. Boehner would need at least 218 votes. So far, as many as 18 Republicans are privately opposing him.


Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina, one of the few Republicans who are publicly against the speaker, says he "cannot vote in good conscience for John Boehner."


"Right now, I’ve been meeting with a small group, and we — about 16, 18 — and we’re hoping to have a name of a sitting member of Congress that we can call out their name," he told North Carolina’s Talk of the Town radio program.




Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, another Republican openly opposing Boehner, sees a lighter side to the campaign, even at a local fast-food restaurant.


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