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Biden boasts end of Caucasian majority in U.S.

Steve Peacock

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Dec. 7, 2014

U.S. taxpayers shelled out nearly a quarter-million dollars in November, so Vice President Joe Biden could trumpet “diversity” to world business leaders in Morocco and boast that in 2017, “for the first time, Caucasians of European descent like me will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America.”

“I’ve … come here to an ancient Muslim nation at the crossroads of Africa, the Arab world and Europe to talk about what it takes for all nations to succeed in the 21st century” the vice president told the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, explaining that educational opportunities, the rule of law and freedom are the key factors to successful entrepreneurship.

Where those factors are absent, Biden said, people flee to where they are present, like the U.S.

“Ladies and gentlemen, in 2017, the United States for the first time, Caucasians of European descent like me will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America,” Biden continued. “The secret that people don’t know is our diversity is the reason for our incredible strength.”

According to documents WND obtained via routine database research, the estimated cost of housing Biden and his staff while accommodating his one night visit to the five-star Hotel Kenzi Farah was somewhere between $160,000 and $240,000.

The U.S. Department of State released the Justification and Approval, or J&A, document, on Dec. 2 to explain the expense of reserving, absent competitive, contractor bidding, “a large number of lodging rooms, 2 large conference rooms, adequate setback for security reasons, exclusive parking lots closed from the general public and controlled by U.S. government personnel.”

The hotel was hosting the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, a gathering of thousands of investors, businesspeople, and government officials from more than 50 nations.

While this was the fifth summit that the Obama administration helped organize, it was the first to be held in an Arab nation.

Diversity: America’s strength?

Media coverage of the event largely focused on the promotion of free speech, gender inclusion and the need to protect the rights of entrepreneurs in order to counter extremism and to boost the economies of struggling nations.

Biden’s seemingly celebratory comments on the decline of the dominant European Caucasian population in the U.S. however, received scant attention.

He made the remark in the context of criticizing other nations that often make it difficult for entrepreneurs to succeed, citing factors such as societal discrimination and government corruption.

“It takes a society that empowers women because entrepreneurship thrives when a society engages all the talent,” he said. “It takes a political system founded on the rule of law that protects basic liberties, including the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, one that roots out the cancer of corruption, the worst enemy of entrepreneurship.”

Biden added that while greater global stability could be achieved if more nations created such an open climate for business growth, the absence of that climate historically has sent such innovative people packing for the U.S. Consequently, according to Biden, this multicultural environment has made the U.S. the great nation that it is today.

“Diversity is the reason for our incredible strength because the brightest, the most innovative, the most adventuresome, the greatest risk takers, they’re the ones who leave when they cannot flourish and seek other places,” he said. “We in America are proud to welcome them.”

Biden also attempted to play down the role of government in sparking entrepreneurship and small businesses.

“The government can’t grow the economy by itself. As a matter of fact, it’s not the major reason. It’s a catalyst for growth – no matter how big the megaproject,” he said.

But he then bragged to the audience that the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation, or MCC, has invested nearly $700 million in Morocco and that the MCC and Morocco are devising plans to finance $50 million into job training that will “equip young Moroccans with the skills they need to compete globally.”

Similarly, according to Biden, the Obama administration through the U.S.-funded Overseas Private Investment Corporation has committed $3.2 billion “to support micro-, small and medium-size entrepreneurs and enterprises in the developing world,” while in just the last quarter of 2013, the U.S. Agency for International Development in Egypt arranged almost 13,000 loans to low-income entrepreneurs.

“We’re using America’s global diplomatic and economic presence to convene, connect and champion entrepreneurs,” Biden said.

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