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Benjamin Fulford

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Nov. 24, 2014

US Nazionist Rogue Regime Now Totally Isolated

The isolation of the US Nazionist rogue regime has reached the point where the Pentagon must act if it is to save the United States from chaotic regime collapse. Nowhere was this more clear than in the UN vote last week where only Canada, the United States and the Ukraine voted against a Russian led resolution condemning Nazi and other racist ideologies.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada and US President Barack Obama have signed their own arrest warrants with this open support for Nazi murderers. Obama underscored his support for the Nazis last week by authorizing sending $120 million worth of weapons to the Neo-Nazi militias in the Ukraine, according to US government sources. “Through Ireland, Boryspil Airport (near Kiev in the Ukraine) will receive thousands of rifles, rocket launchers and pistols,” the US source said.

Reacting in disgust to the Obama rogue regime’s murderous actions, the CIA has now mostly fallen under the control of a faction once headed by former CIA Director William Colby. Colby was murdered by the Bush Nazi Directorate of Operations faction of the CIA in 1996 but his supporters are now back in control, CIA and Pentagon sources say.

Last week they contacted the Pentagon Central Command and asked them to take action against the rogue Nazionist regime that has usurped power over the Republic of the United States of America.

The Pentagon top brass replied that they were pre-occupied with budget cuts and other matters and asked for a good reason why they should intervene in the US political process.

The first thing they need to be asked is if they even understand who they really work for. According to top bosses at the P2 Freemason Lodge who were, until recently, allied with the Nazionists, the US rogue government is now led by three people. These are

Jeb Bush (current head of the Bush/Sherff/Pierce/Pecce clan), David S. Cohen of the Treasury Department

and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. These people have no vision for the future other than to start World War 3 and kill 90% of humanity in order to preserve their occult Satanic power.

They control the creation and distribution of debt slavery instruments known to most as US dollars.

These three psychopaths and their fellow Nazionist cabalists wield the following five instruments of power: the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations, the Federal Reserve Board and the Pentagon, according to the P2 sources.

The BIS (Swiss Banking), the Scottish Rite Freemasons (British Empire), the P2 Freemasons (Vatican and Mafia), the Grand Lodge de L’Orient (French Empire) and the Thule Society (Germany and Northern Europe) no longer cooperate with the Nazionists, according to multiple sources inside these various secret groups.

Since the IMF, the World Bank, the UN and the Fed do not have armies, it is really up to the Pentagon brass now to decide what to do about the pariah regime in Washington D.C. and their pseudo-global subsidiaries like the UN, IMF and World Bank.

Another thing the Pentagon brass need to understand is that, if this rogue debt slavery regime is removed from control of the United States, then the standard of living for the average American citizen can be easily doubled in less than a year.

Here is a detailed, realistic explanation of how this can be achieved in a few easy steps.

First, nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and start issuing government currency (greenbacks) in the place of Fed debt notes. This would allow for massive public works, increased military budgets, free education, free health care etc. without the need for either taxes or debt.

Second, stage a jubilee, a one off write-off of all debts public and private. This would eliminate mortgage payments, student loans, government debts etc. overnight. Debts to overseas creditors like China could be written off by declaring the United States of America Corporation bankrupt and re-instating the Republic of the United States of America.

Third, redistribute assets. This could be done in many ways that do not punish genuine entrepreneurs and capitalists. The easy thing would be to take away the control of the fortune 500 corporations from the tiny group of inbred families that secretly used their power to create debt “money” out of thing air to acquire them. A meritocratically staffed government agency could then manage the shares in these companies for the benefit of the average American. Also, it would be a good idea for all people who rent properties to be given ownership of those properties. People who subsist on rental income could be paid the equivalent of rent in government currency.

Fourth, create a plan for the future. Any society that does not have a vision of where it wants to go in the future is doomed to decadence and stagnation. Restore the American dream by working with all Americans on creating new, realistic, future goals for your society.

Fifth, expand out into the universe. Instead of creating wars in order to steal resources and enrich the war industry, do what you were supposed to do and create a Star Trek future and go where no man has gone before.

The alternative the pentagon faces is to continue to work for a morally and financially bankrupt regime until the inevitable chaotic regime collapse occurs. It is a mathematical certainty that the current path the United States is on is a one way ticket to hell.

If the Pentagon brass are still too stubborn and short-sighted to understand the true situation of the United States, they need to take a good look at what is going on in the rest of the world.

The main thing is that Europe is distancing itself from the US rogue regime. Germany, France and the UK are no longer allied with the United States in any real sense. On November 15th, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin spent four hours talking alone with each other.

Merkel is fluent in Russian and Putin is fluent in German so they did not need any translators. Judging from various comments by these two leaders and their top government officials in the week since that meeting, the main topic of discussion was Germany joining the BRICS alliance. Other topics were: the splitting of Eastern Europe into Russian and German zones of influence, the splitting of the Ukraine, the use of German marks or Euros to pay for Russian gas and a free trade agreement between the German led EU and the Russian led Eurasian Economic Union. The French are also planning to pay for Russian oil and gas in either Euros of French Francs.

The British wish to stay close to their fellow Anglo Saxons in the United States and Canada and, to accomplish this, will fight to remove the Nazionists who seized power there, according to MI5 sources.

The other big point is that the United States rogue regime is about to lose Japan. Nazionist slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was forced to call a snap election on December 14th. Since Abe now has dictatorial power and does not need to call an election for another two years, brainwashed people cannot figure out why this election is being held. The answer is that he is being forced to by right wingers who are angry at his looting of Japan’s money on the behalf of Nazionist gangsters. He will be killed unless he resigns, right-wing sources say.

The right wingers would prefer to maintain an alliance with the US military and keep funding the US Pacific fleet but want the Pentagon to do something about the criminals in Washington D.C.

Also last week there was a 6.8 earthquake in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. The epicenter of this quake is right where there is a giant Japanese underground base. The base was built during World War 2 and was/is equipped to house the government, military leadership, the NHK national broadcast network and other elites in the event that the allied forces took or destroyed Tokyo. It is quite likely this base was destroyed to cut off a cabal escape route.

Another key US ally, Saudi Arabia is also moving towards the BRICS, according to Russian sources. During the G20 meeting, Saudi Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud spent a lot of time talking with Russia’s Putin. The gist of their talk was that the recent fall in oil prices is aimed at reducing the competitiveness of US shale oil production and not at Russia. They also discussed the possibility of creating a Muslim Federation designed in such a way as not to harm Russian energy and military interests in the region.

The Pentagon brass further need to understand that the United States is being subjected to weather warfare by secret but powerful forces who wish to free that country from Satanic control. That is why the US was hit with record cold as soon as Obama began pushing the fraudulent global warming agenda. This weather warfare will continue and get more intense until regime change is achieved.

Finally, let us end this report with some good news. The first is that both Toyota Motors and Honda have announced they will be selling hydrogen powered cars next year. The other is that plans have been announced for the construction of undersea cities in anticipation of the new age of Aquarius that is about to dawn.

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