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Preston James

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Nov. 6, 2014

The American Financial System is now being “Kited” to a Catastrophic Collapse not expected by the American People.

It should now be more than obvious to most folks that the current spending levels of the US Congress are completely unsustainable over time, but false narratives dispensed by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) are preventing this.

In fact any reasonable analysis would conclude that the American Economic System is being “Kited” by an out of control US Congress with an elastic, unlimited checkbook.


And of course the USG’s Secret “Plunge Protection Team” uses advanced software to buy up huge quantities of US stocks in large batches at the speed of light to kite the stock market up to unsustainable highs.

And ask any Police Bunco Detective about “Check Kiting”. Isn’t this the same thing that the USG is doing with its partner in Financial Crime, the Federal Reserve System which provides it with a limitless elastic checkbook by which money can be endlessly created from nothing with no backing?

The result of this Congressional overspending from their Federal Reserve Provided Elastic Checkbook is two fold: first, it keeps money and jobs for many that would not otherwise have them, especially Government bureaucrats in a bloated, out of control Federal Government; but second, it is a very crafty covert tool to quietly steal the fruits of the labor of many American Middle Class folks as well as a great deal of their accrued wealth.

RICO Crime beyond what most can imagine.

In reality this is a most sinister system which steals hard earned wealth from We The People, and is actually a massive financial fraud with absolutely no Congressional oversight at all. In fact the Federal Reserve System has never been audited, despite recent efforts to pass such a law in Congress which failed.

If the Federal Reserve System was ever completely audited and all the figures made public as they should be, the public would become so enraged at this greatest financial fraud in history that somehow they would  force it out of existence. Yes, once the American Masses fully understand that this Federal Reserve System is an illegal, Unconstitutional RICO criminal enterprise, they will demand its complete elimination, full prosecution and the claw-back of every single dime defrauded from the American people.

Why would any People ever pay foreigners massive interest to use what should have been their own money? Such a concept is ridiculous at face value. This only came to pass because of crooked Members of Congress, USG Bureaucrats and an Administration took bribes and/or was compromised or blackmailed.

Folks, this is massive RICO Crime and it’s time it is fully exposed and stopped. This is the true Litmus test for any Member of Congress. Any such member who supports this huge RICO Crime Syndicate can be assumed to either be so dumb that they shouldn’t be in office or is Dirty, as in “Compromised”. Any Member of Congress who supports the Federal Reserve System has clearly violated his Oath of Office to support the US Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic.