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Ain’t It Great to Live in this 'Free Country!'

INI World Report

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Oct. 28, 2014

It is bad enough that we cannot trust our politicians to tell us the truth – an age-old problem – but when a cooperative news media not only fails to investigate and continues to perpetuate these fabrications, even after the reported facts have long been proven wrong, a whole nation of people winds up totally confused by a corrupted few. Such is the current case with the Benghazi tragedy, the 13-year-old 9/11 false flag, the TWA-800 shoot-down, the internal explosions at Oklahoma City’s Murrah Building falsely blamed on an ANFO truck bomb – not to mention dozens of others in our lifetimes.[1]

The problem, America, is that there are some things that you are not allowed to know even after you know them – such as the ridiculousness of the impossible number of six million people “gassed and cremated” during WW II.[2]  In Germany, Canada and several other countries today, you will be prosecuted, convicted and given a jail stretch for publicly pointing out, as one man discovered, that with the slight and minimal cremation equipment available at the German work camps, it would have taken until 1992 to dispose of six million bodies. So, once again, it is something that we are not allowed to know, even if we know it. Isn’t that akin to punishment for “possession of an illegal substance (knowledge)?”

You are not allowed to know that the 9/11 false flag attacks were an inside job, planned by the elite and directed and managed from the ground by no less than the Vice President of the United States; further accomplished with an intentional shutdown of NORAD, the most sophisticated defense system in the world. Nearly 3,000 people were reportedly killed that day, and that may be only a fraction of the actual number. Whatever the truth is, nobody is ever going to admit it. It is simply too big, and that is why even the charade of an investigation by an official committee failed to place the President and the Vice President under oath when they interviewed them behind closed doors, resulting with but a minimal transcript disclosed to the public.[3] Bureaucrats protect their own – and for more reasons than just loyalty.

When military doctors reported that Commerce Secretary Ron Brown had a .45 slug in his head at autopsy after “dying” in that 4/3/96 plane crash in Croatia with 34 other innocent Americans, they found out too late that they had destroyed their own careers by spilling the beans. They were not supposed to know what they knew, and we were not supposed to know that Brown was about to go to jail and had threatened President Clinton (in the presence of Secret Service agents) with “taking you with me.”

When dozens of Dallas witnesses began to die mysteriously in the months following the first Kennedy assassination, many others got the message and clammed up for the next quarter century or more.

And even though the talking TV heads like to parrot one another with deceptive zigzagging (“Did Oswald act alone”) when they long ago knew the truth, they still like to repeat every November, “. . . and those are answers we will probably never know for sure.”


The news media are “Accessories after the Fact” in every federal crime and cover-up.

Of course, these are answers that we have known for a very long time, and the fact is that the murder of JFK was solved a long time ago. Anything new that appears now – such as the proof of the onetime actual living human existence of both a Harvey and a Lee Oswald[4] – only further confirms the guilt of the insider suspects. Hence, it is one more government atrocity that can never be admitted even by those who weren’t even born at the time but are now beneficiaries of the same system and continue to harbor some inherited knowledge.

Can the FBI ever admit that the infamous “Raoul,” who funded James Earl Ray’s trips around the country and gave him the money to buy the incriminating rifle in Birmingham for the Memphis murder of M. L. King, was one of its own agents?[5] And the hate-filled, politically expedient Birmingham church bombing that murdered four little Negro girls in September of 1963: didja’ know that it was another “inside job” designed to accomplish the passing of the Civil Rights Bill? No, you’re not supposed to, but Deputy U. S. Marshal Dan Moore did, and was fired without a pension for talking about it and other judicial crimes going on in Birmingham’s federal courts.

Even though all of the players are retired and most are dead, can LAPD ever confess to the framing of Sirhan Sirhan? At least eleven, and possibly thirteen, shots were fired in the Ambassador Hotel kitchen that night and Senator Robert Kennedy was hit only from the backside. Sirhan stood only in front of the victim and carried an 8-shot Iver Johnson .22 revolver (that wasn’t even totally emptied), proving at least one more person was firing. Furthermore, an LAPD ballistics expert told Sirhan’s 1969 trial court that he had personally test fired the weapon with the serial number of H-18602 and found it to be a match for the gun that fired the bullets found in the body of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. The problem was that Sirhan’s weapon, already identified, had a serial number of H-53725 and was present in the courtroom. No defense lawyer spoke up because the fix was in, and LAPD was not the only culprit.[6]

58,000+ of my young generation perished in a little country few ever heard of before 1963, and nobody really knows why yet. After the politicians prevented General MacArthur a decade earlier from stopping the “expansion of communism,” the news media kept telling us that the Vietnam (undeclared) War was for just that.

Most of the guys who died there and those who came back to get spat on and die premature deaths or suffer debilitating deformity from Agent Orange never knew that Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara had faked the whole Gulf of Tonkin scenario into a set-up to get the U. S. A. into another banker’s war.[7] The early August, 1964, alleged attack by North Vietnamese ships upon ours never happened, and a year later, 500,000 Americans (most of them forced there through the draft along with a few naïve volunteers believing the propagandizing Rah-Rah) were once again fighting to stop the “Domino Theory” of tiny nations falling to the evils of communism. Meanwhile back home, the government in Washington DC was “falling to the evils of communism” itself, being silently captured via the legal insertion of Karl Marx’s Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto into the American way of life.

And while the criminal activity of the federal government increased, cover-up became easier. Some of the sloppiest attempts of murder[8] and cover-up succeeded because the illicit power of legal tender can buy anything – including the investigative teams and most of the otherwise honest people in the world.

In my biased-by-experience opinion, all or most of the well-meaning sheriffs and state officials that have signed on to the Constitutional Sheriffs and Police Officers Association (CSPOA) and/or OathKeepers will wilt and acquiesce when the Feds turn up the heat. And the few that do stand up will be knocked down. The fact is that “We the People” have already been captured, and the power of counterfeit legal tender is the first tool used by the enemy to back down those noisy, recalcitrant American patriots via an under-the-table cash reward for the sheriff personally or a large grant for his county. If this fails there are a few other financially persuasive offers that follow before the noose is tightened with the coup de grace being: “How would you like to see your kids’ (or grandkids’, if the situation requires) pictures on the milk cartons?”  Few can stand up to it. In fact, at least three that I have known could not and later said privately that this was the tactic that provoked their final surrender. Now it appears that Congressman Darrell Issa may have joined the list. (See Wheeler article posted at on 9/22/14)

Of course, the income tax is a fraud, as we know or should know by now. But until the larger fraud of legal tender is removed and replaced again with Lawful Money, the IRS will always remain. Is this why former Ohio Congressman Jim Trafficant is dead? While we never viewed his 15% flat tax folly[9] as any sort of real solution, anyone of his status was certainly capable of frightening the enemy; and any organized effort against them could have provided enough motivation to take him out. Could his heart attack have been induced before the tractor accident? Nothing is too preposterous to be considered beyond belief in this era.

The Income Tax was put in place in 1913 before the Fed was because the weasels knew that their fiat money could not survive very long without it. Yet with that extraction system in place, the inevitable hyper-inflation, while creeping, has been put off for a century now but cannot last much longer. Meanwhile, that power of legal tender has provided the enemy with the ability to buy anything, including most of the otherwise honest people in the world.

As said in the September Musings Intro of Bruce McCarthy, Lawful Money vs. legal tender is the most important yet most ignored and least understood subject facing Americans over the past century, and it remains so today.

Meanwhile, the term “taxpayer’s money” is a non sequitor. “We the People” have not funded the federal government with our taxes since June 24, 1968. Ever since that date, government has funded itself with counterfeit money and forced the people to use its steadily decreasing value.

It has also funded its welfare systems (foreign and domestic) false flag attacks, political assassinations, conspiracies, briberies and murders with the same corruptive tool – all the while diluting our purchasing power.

Do we recall from history the Age of Reason? It was defined as “The time of life when one begins to be able to distinguish right from wrong.” Let us now label the past few decades and this current one of the 21st as the “Age of Corruption.”

As detailed in the previous three Musings, the great Republic of the United States of America was surreptitiously injected with an artificial insemination of legal tender that resulted in the birth of a bastard child known as “Democracy.” This resulted in the quiet burial of an aborted dead fetus once known as “Lawful Money” and along with it, although nobody realized it at the time, was buried something else known as “The People’s Liberty.” And along with that arrived this current “Age of Corruption,” an era in which one can still distinguish right from wrong but does not deem it important.

It is the force driving an already captured America toward a lengthy, bloody doom.

Also see: “Anti-American”