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Epitaph for Eric Holder: ‘Guilty!’

Brett Redmayne-Titley

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Oct. 6, 20114

[ Editor's note:  One of the biggest failures of the Obama presidency was his utter inability to get rid of bad apples. That said, I understand that is often not possible when they were selected for their proven bad apple talents.

And lastly, the blackmail information someone like Holder would have on top administration people is about as much gold-plated protection there is.

Holder has had such a sordid career that most of us cannot be aware of it all. You almost need a personal private investigator to keep up with it. But Brett has made a good effort with his 2500 words below. 

One of the things I learned was that Obama was the first to award Justice Department top slots to campaign "bundlers", something I am sure was suggested to him, since someone with as little experience as he would need advisers to teach him the ropes. They did not do this in Chicago. It is a Washington thing.

The Obama staff has been an ongoing nightmare, as bad as the Bush-Cheney gangsters, although with its own style. And yes, there are more rotten apples where Holder came from. And there are many in the pipeline now, hoping for a shot at the big time, where a disgraced Holder is moving on to a record post-government salary of $77 million... setting a new example of how crime does pay.