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Sept. 3, 2014

For years the relationship between the military and current Commander in Chief has been tepid at best.  Now this underlying disdain is moving into increasing hostility as military leaders work to maintain open civility while in private, they share feelings of betrayal and outrage over a president who so willingly “lies 24/7about events both at home,and abroad.


Lost in the lack of interest common to a a holiday weekend was an admission by NBC’s Richard Engal of just how bad the situation has become between the Obama administration and the military:

“I speak to military commanders, I speak to former officials, and they are apoplectic. They think that this is a clear and present danger. They think something needs to be done.”

This concern from top military officials generates from a multitude of fronts, including the open border policies of the Obama White House, the VA hospital scandal, ongoing budget cuts, crumbling relations with longstanding military allies, and the ongoing crisis of the Middle East.

For months now, Barack Obama has hardly met in person to discuss policy with any military personnel. Much of that responsibility has been delegated to National Security Adviser Susan Rice of the Benghazi Massacre scandal.  Rice coordinates between military leadership, Valerie Jarrett, and the respective offices of Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel.  Of those three, Jarrett receives the greatest attention.

Current Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey rarely speaks to the President Obama directly, having to navigate the communications tag line of Jarrett and Rice.  While Dempsey remains publicly tight-lipped regarding the ongoing animosity between the military and Barack Obama, behind the scenes even he is apparently willing to admit the situation is becoming untenable. Another member of the JCS with considerable experience overseeing  the Iraq War a decade earlier, is more openly hostile with staff regarding his feelings toward the Obama administration, reportedly lamenting the current situation as a never ending cycle of “24/7 lies” from the White House that is putting both private citizens and military personnel at increasing risk. It should also be noted here that Valerie Jarrett has this officer on the top of her “must go” list.

Apparently this particular Joint Chief of Staff member is among a growing number of top military officials waiting with considerable attention on what the 2014 Midterm Election outcome will be.

Perhaps devotion to the longstanding Chain of Command will only go so far…




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For years the relationship between the military and current Commander in Chief has been tepid at best.  Now this underlying disdain is moving into increasing hostility as military leaders work to maintain open civility while in private, they share feelings of betrayal and outrage over a president who so willingly “lies 24/7″ about events both at home, and abroad.


Lost in the lack of interest common to a a holiday weekend was an admission by NBC’s Richard Engal of just how bad the situation has become between the Obama administration and the military:

“I speak to military commanders, I speak to former officials, and they are apoplectic. They think that this is a clear and present danger. They think something needs to be done.”

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