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Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

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ALL Patriot Americans MUST know,


with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions




Monday   August 11, 2014

Neo-NAZI Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Stooge Valerie Nuland Exposed in Her Own Words

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

Assistant U.S. Secretary of State neo-NAZI Victoria Nuland nee Nudelman with NAZI Svboda Party leader Oleh Tyahnybok  -  neo-NAZI Victoria Nuland/Nudelman bragged $5 BILLION of U.S. Taxpayers’ money was used to “subvert” the Ukraine government aka aiding the NAZI coup source






UNITED States of America   -  Tonight we bring you in the words of Bush-Clinton Crime Family stooge, NAZI-Jew Victoria Nuland/Nudelman aka the illegal coup d' etat that was orchestrated by the criminal banking interests tied to the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, along with their worldwide banking interests, that control the United States.

The illegal coup against the then legitimately elected government of the Ukraine was directly ordered by Nuland/Nudelman on the behalf of NAZI Jew Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, current U.S. Secretary of State, NAZI Jew John Kerry, and neo-NAZI German bloodline former governor of Florida, Jeb Bush.

P.S.  Direct message to the Bushes and Clintons: What you did in the Ukraine has now been exposed.  You are risking WWIII over the financial banking interests of George Soros, Bank of America, U.S. Citibank and Mellon Bank of New York.

At this hour, the day of reckoning is coming for the neo-con NAZIS aka the Bushes and the Clintons.

It should be mentioned that Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland/Nudelman and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton are both Jews.

It was just one month ago that NAZI Bush Crime Family puppet, Bill Clinton, spoke to the Jewish Federation Group in Hollywood, California and declared the individuals involved in the illegal coup d' etat against the legitimate Ukrainian government as patriots.

Sociopath Clinton got a standing ovation from his NAZI Jew audience.

In closing, here is a direct message to sociopath bitch Bill Clinton and his NAZI Jew wife, traitor Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton:

Cease and desist, NOW!  You have been totally exposed as total stooges of the NAZI Bush Crime Family and NAZI sociopath, financial money launderer Rupert Murdoch of FOX News.

We do not forget, Billy Boy, that it was Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee, that elected your cowardly ass twice as President in 1992 and 1996 and was then DULY ELECTED in his own right in the year 2000 presidential election only to have the election stolen by the NAZI Paperclip NSA-Dick Cheney-Israeli Mossad Adamus Group.

Direct message to NAZI Jew Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton: We do not forget, bitch, your anti-Catholic attack against the daughter of one of our great Presidents John F. Kennedy when Caroline was trying to become U.S. Senator of New York and interfere with NAZI Jew Hillary's sociopath ambitions.

As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000 DULY ELECTED non-inaugurated, natural born REAL President of the United States.


Victoria Nuland nee Nudelman

Robert Kagan

Doctrine for New American Century



Regime Change in Kiev

Victoria Nuland Admits: US Has Invested $5 Billion In

The Development of Ukrainian, "Democratic Institutions"

International Business Conference at Ukraine in Washington - National Press Club - December 13, 2013

Victoria Nuland - Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasian Affairs


US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe, Nuland said: “Since the declaration of Ukrainian independence in 1991, the United States supported the Ukrainians in the development of democratic institutions and skills in promoting civil society and a good form of government - all that is necessary to achieve the objectives of Ukraine’s European. We have invested more than 5 billion dollars to help Ukraine to achieve these and other goals. ” Nuland said the United States will continue to “promote Ukraine to the future it deserves.”  MORE


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