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Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

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ALL Patriot Americans MUST know,


with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions


Sunday   August 10, 2014


The REAL Terrorists are Exposed: They are the Bankers and the NSA

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert 



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UNITED States of America   -  It can now be reported that the fundraising mechanism for the ISIS crisis actors that are intent on fueling a Shiite-Sunni religious jihad across the Middle East are alleged U.S. allies: the nations of Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia (evidence of Saudi Intelligence involvement in 9/11 continues to be covered up by the U.S. Justice Department and the Obama Administration).

The ISIS  leadership is using U.S. Citibank and Mellon Bank of New York as their parking lot for funds laundered and transferred from the aforementioned Middle East nations.

At this hour, it is interesting that the same Mellon Bank of New York remains in the cross hairs involving the $539 million Argentine bond default.

The Argentine default has already escalated and created $5 trillion of cross-collateralized interest rate derivatives (there is no cash just paper I.O.U.s) ready to go hybrid with the Bank of England, Mellon Bank of New York, U.S. Citibank and German Deutsche Bank as the counter parties.



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P.S.  The geopolitical and financial crisis is now out of control and will force the New World Order (NWO) elite to use their crooked bank-financed "crisis actors" ISIS to stage a 2nd 9/11 FALSE FLAG attack on the American People that will give the NAZI Paperclip elite an excuse to declare a final declaration of MARTIAL LAW on American soil and lead to the final shredding of the U.S. Constitution and our American Republic with the NAZI BushFRAUD era Patriot Act the new land of the land.

Note:  The use of the Ebola virus coming out of Africa and now threatening the U.S. population is all part of an NAZI Paperclip NSA trial run aka test - restricted travel is coming soon.


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What will follow simultaneously will be a massive "Bail-In" (Cyprus-style) by crooked banks and the U.S. Federal Reserve on all U.S. savings and checking accounts in order to "bail out" the crooked U.S. and worldwide banks that are now completely broke (no cash).

Reference:  This is all allowed under crooked legislation called Dodd-Frank.

Item:  These series of events to come, of course, have been triggered by the Argentine default.

P.S.  At this hour, 4,000 elite special forces of the Russian army (Spetsnaz) have entered east Ukraine and are already staging and scripting for 20,000 Russian troops to cross over into eastern Ukraine.  In other words, the Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine is imminent.

P.P.S.  Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has now presented overwhelming evidence to the United Nations of massive NAZI Paperclip NSA genocide against the ethnic Russian population of east Ukraine all ordered directly by the NAZI-controlled Ukrainian government.






Putin has also presented 'smoking gun' evidence to the United Nations that the U.S. State Department and Assistant U.S. Secretary of State Valerie Nuland (noodle), along with former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, current U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, and former U.S. NSA Chieftain Michael Hayden and his current employer, The Chertoff Group, staged the illegal violent coup d' etat and uprising against the previous pro-Russian, duly elected government of the Ukraine on behalf of worldwide financial terrorist George Soros and crooked worldwide banking interests.

Message to neo-con NAZIS in the United States:

You morons clearly took no history in college and do not understand that Russia, after losing 15 million of its citizens in two deadly wars versus French emperor Napoleon and then 30 million citizens in WWII versus sociopath NAZI dictator Adolf Hitler, can never trust the West and will always use, as they have done for 9 centuries, the territory of the Ukraine as their buffer.

Ukraine, for 9 centuries, has always been the bread basket of Russia.

In closing, at this hour we ask the patriotic U.S. Military, all State militias, all county Sheriffs, along with the assistance of our great ally of 200 years, the Republic of France, to rise up together on American soil to stage a 2nd American Revolution in order to restore our Constitution, the Supreme Law of our Land, liberate the American People from NAZI Paperclip occupation -- it is the only way out!

As Thomas Jefferson so correctly stated "I would rather die as a free man than live as a slave to tyrants and despots".




WAYNE MADSEN: ABC Nightline, NSA, 10 July 2001 two months before 9/11

NSA's talking points, 2 months before they received

carte blanche surveillance authority


(FDIC 2009)

Too Big to Fail: The FDIC Went Bankrupt Last Summer.  The Financial Media Say Nothing

FDIC & Bank of England Create Resolution authority for Unlimited Cyprus-Style "Bail-Ins" for TBTF Banks!


... The joint US/UK resolution states that depositor haircuts are already legal in the 


... Such a strategy would involve the bail-in(write-down or conversion) of creditors



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Vital Intelligence Briefings

There Are NO Terrorists - There NEVER Were Any Terrorists

Banks Remain On The Brink

Black Ops and PsyOps and God Save the Queen

Black Ops and PsyOps 2, Pivot!

PsyOps and Black Ops 3

PsyOps and Black Ops 4

PsyOps and Black Ops and Ponzi Schemes 5



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