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Congress Leaves Town Denying 300,000 U.S. Vets Unemployment Relief, Funds Israeli Military Instead

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Aug. 4, 2014

Congress is headed to vacation, and for millions of unemployed Americans, 300,000 of which are veterans, this is devastating news.

Congress bolted out of D.C. today without passing an emergency extension on unemployment benefits, meaning for millions of Americans out of work, their unemployment checks will stop coming when they reach the federal limit. The extensions were in place to continue to help those unemployed while jobs are still scarce.

Yet last December the GOP lead house refused to vote, ending the funding. Since then, Democrats have battled to pass these extensions while the GOP has continued to block any effort to vote.

The GOP put some heavy measures on the table to be met to extend such benefits, and the democrats agreed to every single one of them as they understood the importance of passing these extensions before heading off to another vacation break.

Still, the GOP blocked the vote, choosing ideology over American families.

It would appear the GOP is putting on a show claiming to want to help Americans, yet when the demands are met, they switch gears and still refuse to take up the issue.